Northeaster brings in and takes out

Nancy White Clark watches as a Fort Clinch State Park Ranger examines a Pilot Whale beached at Fort Clinch State Park.

By Susan Hardee Steger
Photos by Nancy Clark White
and Len Kreger
October 1, 2017 8:15 p.m.

Nancy White Clark notified the Fernandina Observer that a pilot whale was in distress on Amelia Island’s north end. The whale died before Florida Fish and Wildlife (FFW) officials arrived. It is not clear what caused the pilot whale to end up on the Fort Clinch State Park beaches. According to Clark, “There was a huge gash just above its tail” and scrapes in other locations. Clark, who admits she is no expert, speculated “the whale was tossed around on the jetties” perhaps sick and not strong enough to fight heavy currents and the rough sea.  The  FFW said it is rare for a whale, much less a Pilot Whale, to beach itself at this location.


City Commissioner Len Kreger provided a photo taken near the north end jetties showing how the rough surf had sliced into and removed sand from the established dune system.
Red flags were flying on the beaches of Amelia for the last few days as a result of the recent northeaster. Photo courtesy of Len Kreger
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Marlene and Philip Chapman
Marlene and Philip Chapman(@crew2120)
6 years ago

This nor’easter almost took out our Mobi Mats! Thank you to the couple who alerted us as to the high tide reaching them and doing what they could to roll them up as they are incredibly heavy and it was dark out! Thank you to Aaron Morgan, Trey Warren and another un-named young man who showed up with more lights and shovels and helped us to get the mats cleared off, rolled up and placed above the high tide line! We will make sure to check on them more closely when the next storm arrives.