Amelia Island revealed . . .

Submitted by
Leland Kent photography / Tommy Roberts
October 1, 2017 1:00 a.m.

“Hurricane hurt, but couldn’t beat our flag” A Leland Kent photo.

Editor’s Note: Tommy Roberts and his wife Emily, daughter, two sons live in Dallas, Texas, and consider Fernandina “one of their favorite places on the planet.”  They enjoy their monthly, holidays, and all summer visits.  Their love for Fernandina is so great,  they  built two adjacent homes on South Fletcher.  A large flagpole for the American and Texas flags are proudly displayed, but then came Hurricane Irma.  Although Irma destroyed the Texas flag, the American flag, although tattered, still remains.

Leland Kent is a local photographer, well known for his “Abandoned Southeast” series. He photographed the Parker homes recently for a magazine piece. The Parkers were not in Fernandina for Irma, but the photographer was  asked to photograph the flag immediately after the storm.

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