Nassau County Commission refutes claim

Submitted by Susan Hardee Steger
May 27, 2014, 6:11 p.m.

Michelle Kling
File photo

A recent Letter to the Editor from Michelle Kling published in the May 21, News Leader that alleged several hundred thousand dollars is no longer earmarked for the Sheriff’s Administration Building  prompted a quick reaction from the Nassau County Board of Commission (NCBC) which called a special meeting on Friday morning.  With board approval, a brief letter addressed to the “Citizens of Nassau County” from county manager Ted Selby will deny the allegation.  The letter follows:

“A letter authored by citizen Michelle Kling appeared in the Wednesday, May 21, 2014 edition fo the News Leader, which contained the allegation that “. . . the $10 million that was set aside for the sheriff’s administration building has dwindled down by several hundred thousand and the commissioners didn’t even know about it.” This statement is false.  The County Commission approved $10 million for this project and that amount remains set aside for the project.  There has been no ‘dwindling of funds’.”

According to County Manager Ted Selby, “all action that was taken with regard to the funding of the Sheriff’s Admin project was done following Board approval and in accordance with the County’s Board approved Financial Policies.”

Commissioner Steve Kelley

At the May 15, “Meet the Candidate” forum, Commissioner Steve Kelley running for reelection against Mike Boyle, spoke to the figures he  received indicating the 10 million Sheriff’s Admin Fund level is now at 8.8 million and “not a single commissioner knew anything about it.” Kling attended the forum.


Nassau County Clerk of Courts John Crawford said in a telephone interview, “”Was there some egregious  or conspiracy or did some terrible thing happen? I’m sure that was not the case.”

When Crawford was asked by the Fernandina Observer if he fueled the controversy over the discrepancy of funds, Crawford responded, “no.”

Crawford was also asked  for his reaction to the letter approved by the NCBC.  “I think it is hideous,” said Crawford. “When you start attacking people who do not agree with their government you should not be in office.”

“I think this [controversy] is a distraction from the real issues. They want to go into debt. They want to spend the 10 millions on other project, items or other issues. They are digging the taxpayers a hole and they are going to push us all in the hole, ” says Crawford.

According to Crawford, Kling was “technically correct.”  At this time though, “the 10 million is there . . .”

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Michelle Haddock
Michelle Haddock (@guest_19503)
9 years ago

So instead of admitting that he was wrong and that he had given incorrect information to Mr. Kelley and Ms. Kling, Mr. Crawford changed the subject to “attacking people” and “digging the taxpayers a hole”? Typical politician.

Mike Boyle
Mike Boyle(@mikemikeboyle-org)
9 years ago

Finally someone, in this case Michelle Haddock, has seen through the smoke and mirrors that John Crawford and his minions frequently use to try to confuse the public about his role in county politics. My thanks to the Fernandina Observer for connecting the dots.

Andrew Curtin
Andrew Curtin(@bkdriverajcgmail-com)
9 years ago

There are a few problems with this article:
-It was candidate Boyle who attributed the source of Comm. Kelley’s information to CFO Crawford.The source of that info was the county OMB as corroborated by by Ms. Shanea Jones,county budget director,in the May 28 edition of the News-Leader.
-Further,this info was current and accurate as of May5.Subsequently,Comm.Kelley referred to it at a candidate’s forum at the plantation.Ms.Kling quoted it at a following county commission meeting and in a News-leadre letter tohe editor.
-Subsequently,the money was returned to the Sheriff’s building fund.However,it appears that these fund transfers were accomplished without the approval of the county commission as both Comm.Kelley and Ms.Kling.
-So,a little closer attention to the facts would seem to be in order.
Andrew J.Curtin