NACDAC’s “I Am More Campaign” Seeks To Reduce Mental Illness Stigma

Press Release
Mary Pitcher
October 29, 2016 1:00 a.m.

nassau-county-drug-and-alcoholYou are not your illness. That is the message of NACDAC’s campaign “I Am More-Reduce the Stigma.” The social norming campaign seeks to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

NACDAC has been working with documentary film maker, Stan Cottle, along with members of the community who are currently living with mental illness to produce a public service announcement acknowledging that people do not have to be defined by their mental illness. The campaign seeks to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and demonstrates that people with mental illness are a lot “more” than just their mental illness. Participants tell us why it is important for them to participate in this campaign.

There are two versions of the Public Service Announcement. The 30-second version will be played as a preview before movies at Carmike Cinemas and on local cable channels. A longer version is available to view online (visit or find us on Facebook The PSA gives viewers a phone number to the Lutheran Services Florida Health System Access to Care Line. The number is 877-229-9098 and is a 24/7 resource related to substance abuse and mental health issues and questions.

For questions about the “I am More” campaign or to obtain free marketing materials, please contact Stephanie Basey 904-583-4306. You are more.