Amelia Island revealed . . .

Submitted by Mary Agnes White
In Honor of the Magnolia Garden Club’s 65th Anniversary
March 22, 2015 1:00 a.m.

Garden Club 3
“Flower Hats” Magnolia Garden Club Photo courtesy of Mary Agnes White Back Row; Suzanne Davis Hardee, Violet Hickie Poole, Eloise Bowers, Noonie “Florence” Partin, Second Row; Betty Stone Davis, Mary Agnes White, Gloria Pikula, Mildred Courlin Whiteside, Yetta Ewing, Front Row; Joyce Enzminger, Joan Lasserre, Carol Hardee Anderson, Harriet Waas, Carolyn Miller, Elizabeth Bowers.


Editor’s Note: We wish to honor the Magnolia Garden Club celebrating its 65th anniversary this week.  The photo is one of my favorite Fernandina photos taken during the early years of the organization. The Magnolia Garden Club has given much to our community from planting and maintaining flower beds, to a gift of the Central Park gazebo, to support for a museum project. The forever popular recipe book, Centre St. Cookery first published in 1978, is a great funding source for this organization. If you wish to obtain a copy, visit Books Plus on South 8th Street.

Congratulations Magnolia Garden Club and thank you for your many contributions!