Nov. 3 changes for YMS, West Nassau, & Hilliard Middle Senior students

Nassau County School Superintendent Dr. Kathy Burns

By Dr. Kathy K. Burns
Nassau County School Superintendent
October 22, 2020

COVID 19 has brought about many changes and adjustments for businesses, communities, families, and our schools. We have all adjusted to doing many things differently. The Supervisor of Elections Office also faced this challenge as they worked diligently to identify November 3rd voting locations that would allow for social distancing, and adequately address the most recent legislation concerning polling locations.

Nassau County’s August primary voting locations included three school sites – Yulee Middle School, West Nassau High School, and Hilliard Middle Senior High School. Over the last few weeks, our school district team, along with appropriate leaders from the Supervisor of Elections office, have explored many options for both voting and learning on election day. Factors considered were:

  • Safety for students/staff
  • Accessibility for voters
  • 2020-2021 School Calendar and meeting state required instructional hours required at every grade level
  • Meals for students on this date

To ensure the safety of our students as well as provide adequate accommodations for voting, we must plan for an alternative day of learning for students at these sites. On Tuesday, November 3rd, students currently attending Yulee Middle School, West Nassau High School, and Hilliard Middle Senior High School, will participate in a day of distance learning. Teachers and support employees will work on-site providing the required services and supports. All other school campuses will continue with on-site learning.

Thank you for your flexibility and support as we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of this unprecedented time.