Party out of control on Nassau County beach

By Susan Hardee Steger
February 28, 2018 1:26 p.m.

According to Christie Turner, Jacksonville’s Action News –  Fox 30, Peters Point in Nassau County was the scene of a party that became out of control on Sunday, February 18.

If you are disturbed by this video, Facebook comments noted shortly after the incident, there were allegations of a near riot in the asphalt parking area of Peters Point.


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Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
6 years ago

This seems to happen a couple times a year whether during Spring Break or towards the end of the school year. A couple of years ago I was finishing up my beach walk early one evening and noticed blue lights flashing from the parking lot. When I got back up there the parking lot was almost completely full. Seems like a lot of kids from Kingsland/St. Mary’s etc. had come to celebrate and many had been drinking. Then fights started to break out and things got out of hand. Ended up with a bunch of NCSD deputies, FB Police and even FL state troopers on the scene.
I wonder in this case how many of vehicles on the beach were outside Nassau county and didn’t have the beach permits as well as underaged drinking? Know that Sheriff Leeper will get right on it.

Marlene Chapman
Marlene Chapman(@crew2120)
6 years ago

Dave, We were coming back onto the island as a parade of trucks were passing us over the bridge….they were screaming profanities, giving hand gestures and driving a bit crazy! Out of the 7 trucks that passed us, 6 had Georgia plates. With that said, of course they did not have permits. It’s just sad that the day was ruined but out of control “visitors” and their friends.

Tony Crawford
Tony Crawford (@guest_50533)
6 years ago

It’s really not that complicated folks. Where is the police presence needed to end this. I find it kinda funny that if I am sitting on the beach drinking from a cup an officer wants to know what is in my cup, but we seem to turn our backs on what is going on down the beach. If more police presence is needed, that the answer is simple, put more police there.

Teri D. Springer
Teri D. Springer (@guest_50534)
6 years ago

I have to agree with Tony. I can’t have iced tea in a lidded mug without the police asking what I have (because gray-haired old ladies are prone to being drunk and disorderly on the beach) but a group with obvious open alcohol is allowed? The police were present for some time and chose to stay in the parking lot and not enforce lack of permits, open intox, and MIP violations; instead waiting for things to reach their inevitable conclusion. I have to ask why? Why let things get out of control? DO YOUR JOBS, NCSO.

To quote a somewhat famous “lawman”: “we need to nip it! Nip. It. In. The. Bud!”

Robert Riegler
Robert Riegler (@guest_50535)
6 years ago

And no one from Fernandina Beach was on the beach at Peters Point that day? All the condo’s on either side were empty? It’s the Klinger Defense……”I see no evil, I hear no evil~~~I do not want to get involved” All six of those trucks should have been impounded and stiff fines~~~also let then clean up the mess “the day after” after an evening in jail(which they pay for). Next year they’ll find easy pickin’s elsewhere. Right now we’re the easy pickin’s.

Yes, I too find it incredible that I would be asked “what’s in the cup”. Stupid is stupid and it seems this is a thread in “enforcement” these days. Lastly, if any container is a “coffee” cup and the holder is not rolling on the sand what right does ANYONE to demand “what’s in that cup” PS I only drink non alcoholic ice tea on the beach but were I confronted like that(like the dog off the leash ticket a few weeks back) I’d be making a video with my phone. You talk about vehicle’s on the beach? How about several of these obvious overweight offices try walking or a bike.

Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
6 years ago
Reply to  Robert Riegler

Robert, just as clarification, Peters Point park is not in the City limits therefore it is in the jurisdiction of the Nassau County Sheriff. Unless their manpower levels have changed, it has been standard procedure in the past for only one NCSD deputy to be on the island per shift unless there was a special event.

Robert Riegler
Robert Riegler (@guest_50538)
6 years ago
Reply to  Dave Lott

Then why of late have I seen multiple Nassau County Sheriff cars as well as SUV’s all over the island within City of FB limits? I am all over this island riding my bike and see this all the time. “Policy” vs. reality” again comes to the front…..Also one deputy vs. that crowd? They’d tear him/her up. It’s called mutual aid~~~~Looking the other way is really not acceptable.

Steven Crounse
Steven Crounse (@guest_50539)
6 years ago

If I’m not mistaken all Fernandina Police and County Sheriff petrol cars have Radios?
Response time can’t be more than 10 min. to have Peters Point or any other Point on the Beach swarming with officers and any backup needed to shut this down. This really doesn’t want to be “The Go To Place, To Party” Nothing good will ever come of it. I can attest to that, I lived in Ft. Lauderdale in ’61 t0 ’63. The City finally shut it down. It hurt the City’s Economy by crippling Tourism. Know is the time to stop it.!

Deborah Baker
Deborah Baker (@guest_50540)
6 years ago

I agree, they shouldn’t have been able to drive off, they should have had a breathalyzer first, and then if drunk their vehicles should have been impounded. That’s a danger to the general public, letting them just drive off and go home!

Steve Karl
Steve Karl (@guest_50549)
6 years ago

Sheriff and all his deputies are a joke. Actually, the jokes on us as he is our sheriff.

Laura McDuffie
Laura McDuffie (@guest_50557)
6 years ago

In response to the comment on where were the people in the condos. We did call the police and been frequently over the last year as this behavior is escalating. The response from the police was “if you call us again we are going to issue you a nuisance violation”. I was shocked. My husband has been in public safety for 25 years and was disgusted.

Dave Scott
Dave Scott (@guest_50572)
6 years ago