YMCA Wellness Tip – Laughter: A Way of Health Living

McArthur Family YMCA
Press Release
Rob Calija, ACSM-EP
Personal Trainer
October 16, 2019

Laughter is an important aspect of healthy living. It brings people together, creates symmetry in the body, and is contagious. Laughter is not a way to offend people’s pain and misery. It is a form of expression to display the dearest moments in life. Many forms of laughter such as watching a funny TV sitcom, listening to a “knock, knock” joke, or spending chuckling moments with love ones can stimulate a domino effect of pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy Side Effects on Laughter.

  • Reduction of Complications in The Body: Low back pain has been considered a common problem in today’s society due to stress with a combination of being sedentary. Laughing stimulates more immune cells, improves the circulation of oxygen, reduces body pain & muscular tension, lowers blood pressure, and releases endorphins to lower stress levels. The entire body becomes more relaxed and is able to create balance.
  • Burn Calories: Laughing contracts muscles of the face, neck, ribs, and abdominals to allow the body to burn about 40 calories for every accumulated 15 minutes of laughter, which is equivalent to a 10 minute walk.
  • Clear Thinking: On a molecular level, laughing disrupts the sympathetic nervous system to allow the brain to stay focus and become more alert. The famous Charlie Chaplin quoted, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

Let’s all laugh!