Will you strike with me?

Submitted by Ali Lowe
September 19, 2019

On Friday, September 20, 2019, the Sunrise Movement has called for global strikes in support of solving the climate crisis by bringing awareness to the inaction of political leaders in addressing the issues that could save lives.  The event will take place locally between 5-6 pm in Central Park.  Other locations around the nation may be found at https://strikewithus.org/.

The Sunrise Movement was founded by a 15 year-old student.  According to the organization’s website, the movement was formed to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.  “We are not looking to the right of left.  We look forward.  Together, we will change this country and this world, sure as the sun rises each morning.”

Lowe said, “I hope our community can come together on this day and we can prove to our youth that we do hear them and care enough to protect them.”

“This Friday, we #ClimateStrike!”

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Joe L Blanchard
Joe L Blanchard(@jlblan2)
4 years ago

I have been a professional meteorologist and climatologist most of my life. I have worked on the prediction models and traveled the world. The current scare tactics of the sky is falling are appalling. Not good science, just follow the money as to who is funding the studies. The treaties are even more interesting. The biggest polluters are given a pass as to cleaning up their act. The planet goes through cycles, just ask the Vikings in Greenland. I agree that we must be guardians of our planet but economically destroying our country to the benefit of those countries that are the major polluters is insane. We need to convince them the clean up their act and good luck with that.

JEANNE WYATT (@guest_55829)
4 years ago

I am just a 72 year old housewife who reads a lot. Historically the earth has cyclically warmed AND cooled. The little bit we could do won’t change the course of those cycles.

Ben Martin
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
4 years ago

I saw the movie “The Inconvenient Truth.” It got my attention. It was by Al Gore who is a lawyer and a politician. And we all know those types of people never lie, twist, spin or distort anything. I was worried. But then my thinking evolved and I was exposed to the idea that fear is a great sales tactic. The world is ruled by ideas. And it is easy to goad the multitude into new taxes and controls if we believe there is an emergency climate situation caused by CO2. According to Doug Casey it is going to be generally recognized in 10 years that the man caused global warming idea is one the biggest frauds perpetrated in the history of mankind. Maybe he is right. But using our heads for a minute, go to your smart phone’s weather application. Try to find anywhere on the planet where it is 120 degrees F. It has got to be burning up somewhere, right? Isn’t New York supposed to already be underwater? What is going on here?

Bill Owen
Bill Owen (@guest_55831)
4 years ago

I saw a report the other day that despite a growing population AND a growing economy, the United States GHG emissions were DOWN to 1985 levels. And nothing we do here will do a thing to reduce emissions from China, India, and other 3rd world countries. The climate hysteria has less to do with saving the earth than it does with allowing socialist control of our economy and thus our lives. These alarmists want nothing more than to tell you how to live your lives. BEWARE!

Barnes Moore
Barnes Moore(@barnes-moore)
4 years ago

A simple study of recent geologic history reveals what a fraud the globalclimatewarmingchange is. About 3500 years ago, there was the Minoan Warm Period, sometimes referred to as the Holocene Optimum, followed by a cooling period, then came the Roman Warm Period, followed by a cooling, then came the Medieval Warm Period followed by the Little Ice Age, and we are now in what can be referred to as the Modern Warm Period. One interesting point about both the Minoan and Roman warm periods is that the cooling periods that followed were actually warmer than the current Modern warm period.

The fact is, if you want a greener planet, you want more co2, not less, co2 being plant food. At current levels of co2 (approximately 400 ppm), were are closer to co2 starvation levels for plants than we are to optimum levels which are well above 1000 ppm. In the geologic history of the planet, co2 levels have been as high as 7000 ppm, when dinasaurs roamed, co2 levels were 2500-3000 ppm – yet life on the planet thrived. Plus, a warmer world supports a greater abundance and diverstiy of life than a cooler world.

So, the answer to your question “will you strike with me” my answer is a resounding NO!! In fact, I would support a counter strike to your insanity.

Johnny Miller
Johnny Miller (@guest_55834)
4 years ago

“Despite the clear scientific consensus, a veritable brigade of self-proclaimed, underinformed armchair experts lurk on comment threads the world over, eager to pour scorn on climate science. Barrages of ad hominem attacks all too often await both the scientists working in climate research and journalists who communicate the research findings.”

-David Robert Grimes
Irish Physicist