“The Criptic” reviews “Ricki and the Flash”

Submitted by Mark Sabadie
August 15, 2015 4:17 p.m.

The Cryptic

The Criptic – Separating the Flick from the Flack

Ricki and the Flash is currently playing at Carmike Cinema in Yulee.

Ricki_and_the_Flash_posterJust because a movie charms, doesn’t mean it demands a big screen. “Ricki and the Flash” is just such a movie. The cast and crew are peppered with award winners, so the entire production is in gifted hands. Streep plays an estranged matriarch adding yet another talent, rock performance, to her superhuman resume. The fact that her real-life daughter, Mamie Gummer, portrays her movie-daughter adds depth to their onscreen interaction. Kline is a welcome sight after missing from major films for two years. The music, a mix of modern . . . Continue reading

Mark Sabadee 2Editor’s Note: After meeting Mark over the 4th of July weekend and hearing about his movie review website and passion for movies, I asked Mark if the Fernandina Observer could post some of his reviews. Mark is the son of Amelia Island residents Patrick and Susan Sabadie. Many people know Patrick through his volunteer work with the Boys and Girls Club.

According to Mark, his goal is to “keep them short (mobile-friendly, so you can decide on line which show to see), free of plot summary, and focused mainly on quality of film – from story structure to demographic appropriateness.”

We hope you enjoy.

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carollee adams
carollee adams (@guest_42894)
8 years ago

Thank you for this!!!! So good to read about the movies that are playing…and to know what is playing…and the times too!! Kudos!!!!!