North 2nd Street stand off ends peacefully

Fernandina Beach Police Department
Press Release
Submitted by James T. Hurley, Chief

October 7, 2015 5:07 p.m.strong>

Police Station SignA 58 year old Fernandina resident who was despondent and threatening suicide held police at bay throughout the night and into the early afternoon.

Police responded to the residence at 224 North 2nd Street after the man’s girlfriend notified police he was holding a gun to his head threatening suicide. After his overt threat, he also posted intentions to take his life on Facebook.

Police took all precautions to protect area citizens by evacuating nearby residents, blocking traffic, and setting up a tight perimeter around the subject’s house. Police also assigned an officer to St. Michael’s Academy which was on a partial lock down throughout the incident.

The man was assured that police only wanted to aid him in obtaining medical assistance; however he refused to surrender even after speaking to his attorney, family members and friends. Rather than conducting a dangerous forced entry, police waited patiently and obtained a court order for a mental health evaluation.

After several hours of utilizing various methods of communications with the subject, he finally agreed to surrender and was taken into custody. He was then transported to a facility in Jacksonville for evaluation.

The Fernandina Beach Police Department and Nassau County Sheriff’s Office appreciates the public’s patience and cooperation during this incident.

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Lisa Ballew
Lisa Ballew (@guest_44727)
8 years ago

My husband and I could not be more proud of the way our police department responded to this most dangerous situation. We live at 221 N. 3rd St. Our home backs up to the property where this situation unfolded. Imagine our fear when my husband left for work at 6:30am and two SWAT team members calmly told him to get back inside and move to the front room of our house. We were so frightened but constantly updated throughout the day until the situation was resolved. Thank you so much for your dedication, professional behavior and upmost concern for the citizens of Nassau County. We will rest comfortably tonight knowing you are watching over us!