Newly elected Nassau County School Superintendent Burns and Board Members Cook and Petree sworn in

Susan Hardee Steger
November 22, 2016 6:42 p.m.

An overflow crowd witnessed newly elected Nassau County School Superintendent Dr. Kathy Burns, board members Gail Cook and Jonathan Petree take the oath of office during a reorganization meeting of the Nassau County School Board.

Nassau County School Board Attorney Leonard Hackett administers the oath of office to Superintendent Dr. Kathy Burns.
Nassau County School Board Attorney Leonard Hackett administers oath of office to Johnathan Petree, newcomer to the Nassau County School Board.
Attorney Hackett (L) is joined by school board member Jamie Deonas (2), Donna Martin(4), Gail Cook who was unopposed (5), Jonathan Petree (R), and Superintendent Dr. Kathy Burns (3rd from L).

Following the swearing in, the school board unanimously elected Donna Martin, chair, and Gail Cook vice chair. Board member Dr. Kimberly Fahlgren was not present but participated in the meeting via audio.

Burns thanked outgoing Superintendent John Ruis, who for 24 years, has “served and sacrificed as a solid and successful leader.”

The Petree family gathers on the front row to wish the newly elected officials well.