Mayor Ed Boner presents proclamations

Submitted by Eric Bartelt
June 5, 2915 8:28 p.m.

The City Commission issued three Proclamations at its June 2nd meeting: National Marina Day, National Flag Day & National Flag Week, and Code Enforcement Appreciation Week.

National Marina Day

Joe Springer
Joe Springer, Fernandina Harbor Manager

Marina Director Joe Springer was on hand to accept a Proclamation designating June 13th as National Marina Day. The Proclamation highlighted the Marina’s benefits to our community and its role as an environmentally friendly gateway for boating citizens and visitors.

Mr. Springer spoke about events planned for Welcome to the Water Day, on Saturday, June 13th (in Parking Lot B), that include a Boat Show, live music and food. Mr. Springer said it would be a great opportunity to come down to the waterfront and learn about all the things that go on at the Marina that people don’t typically know about.

National Flag Day & National Flag Week

Joe 2 - Glen
Ms. Cindy Glenn, DAR Chapter Regent

National Flag Day celebrates the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the republic, on June 14th, 1777 by the Continental Congress. Every year since, June 14 has been celebrated as National Flag Day.

Referring to the flag, the Proclamation states, “In those broad stripes and bright stars, we see the arc of American history, from a handful of colonies to the 50 states, united and free. And whereas, when proud patriots took up the fight for independence, they came together under a standard that showed their common cause. When the wounds of the Civil War were still fresh, and our Country walked the long road to reconstruction, our people found hope in a banner that testified to the strength of our union. Wherever our American journey has taken us, whether on that unending path to the mountaintop or high above to the reaches of space, Old Glory has followed, reminding us the rights and responsibilities we share as citizens.”

Accepting the Proclamation was Ms. Cindy Glenn, Chapter Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Ms. Glenn reminded the audience and Commission that it is against the law to throw a flag away, that is should instead be burned, preferably in a ceremony. She said the DAR has for years held a ceremony for that purpose and that they will be doing it again this year, on Saturday, June 13th, at Fire Station 1 on 14th St., at 10:00 am.

Code Enforcement Appreciation Week

Joe - Michelle Forstrom
Michelle Forstrom, Code Compliance Officer

The Florida Association of Code Enforcement (FACE) designated the first week in June as Code Enforcement Appreciation Week to honor and recognize local Code Enforcement Officers. The Proclamation cites the role of the Code Compliance Officer and staff in providing for the safety, health, and welfare of the citizens of Fernandina through the enforcement of building, zoning, housing, business, resort rental, environmental and other codes and ordinances. It notes that Code Enforcement Officers and staff are often not credited for the jobs they do in saving lives, protecting property values and improving neighborhoods, and quality of life.

Accepting the Proclamation was Michelle Forstrom, Code Compliance Officer for the City. Ms. Forstrom thanked the Mayor and Commission, saying, “It has been both an honor and a pleasure to serve the citizens and businesses of the City of Fernandina Beach as Code Compliance Officer.” She said she “takes great pride in keeping our city a safe and prosperous place to live, work and play.” She thanked the Code Enforcement and Appeals Board for the difficult and fair decisions they make on the cases she brings before them, and to Angie Lester for her valuable administrative help.

Eric BarteltEditor’s Note: Eric Bartelt retired as a corporate design consultant and moved to Fernandina Beach in 2004. His previously lived in Wisconsin. Since Eric’s arrival in Fernandina Beach, he spends his time volunteering, and playing soccer. We thank Eric for his contributions to the Fernandina Observer.