Gass: “Sanction Poynter and Lentz”

Submitted by Eric Bartelt
June 3, 2015 4:51 p.m.

During the Commissioners’  Comments period at the end of Tuesday night’s City Commission meeting, Commissioner Pat Gass accused Commissioners Tim Poynter and Robin Lentz of violating Section 10 of the City Charter. Her allegation pertained to the problems in the Fire Department, City Manager Joe Gerrity’s efforts to resolve those problems, and the Mayor and Commissioners’ frustration, especially Commissioners Poynter and Lentz, with his progress in resolving those problems.

Gass 17
Commissioner Pat Gass directs comments to Commissioners Poynter and Lentz

Section 10 prohibits the Mayor and Commissioners from dictating the appointment or removal of any city officers or employees who work for the City. Further, it prohibits the Mayor and Commissioners from directly interfering with or directing the conduct of any employee. The Charter does allow the Mayor and Commissioners to communicate directly with an employee if the Mayor or Commissioner has the permission from the Charter Officer for whom the employee works.

Pat Gass 10After alleging that Commissioners Poynter and Lentz had violated the Charter, Commissioner Gass asked City Attorney Tammi Bach to prepare a Resolution for the Commission that would sanction the two Commissioners. Ms. Bach agreed to prepare the Resolution and present it at the next Commission meeting. She declined, however, to investigate or weigh-in on the merits of Commissioner Gass’ allegation, as she felt that would be a conflict of interest since she not only works for Commissioner Gass, but also for Commissioners Poynter and Lentz. Ms Bach said that if investigation is required, it should be done by outside counsel.

According to City Attorney Tammi Bach, the action requested by Commissioner Gass could take the form of two Resolutions – one directed at Commissioner Poynter, and the other at Commissioner Lentz.  If each are seconded, then a majority of the Commissioners would have to vote in the affirmative for it to pass.

This would put Commissioner Lentz in the position of voting for, or against, sanctioning Commissioner Poyter and vice versa.  Attorney Bach has not yet decided whether the Resolution(s) will be structured this way or not.  Ms. Bach also indicated that without an investigation or findings of fact, even if the Resolution(s) passed, it would have no effect on the status of Poynter and Lentz. In support of her allegation, Commissioner Gass presented Attorney Bach with a “dialog” (see below) taken from City Commission meetings on February 3rd, February 17th, and March 17th. The dialog pertains to comments made by Commissioners Poynter and Lentz during those three meetings about the problems in the Fire Department.

Gass 18
City Manager Joe Gerrity listens to Commissioner Gass comments.

Commissioner Gass noted the punishment for violating the Charter. Punishment for a first violation of the Charter is sanctioning by the Commission. Subsequent violations are a misdemeanor and carry a fine of up to $200, imprisonment of up to 6 months, or both. And the Commissioner committing the violation may be removed from office.

According to Commissioner Gass, referring to the City Manager’s efforts to resolve the conflicts in the Fire Department, “If this commission had allowed Joe Gerrity to do his job, without interference, we would not be looking for a new city manager today.”

Note: The Fernandina Observer is posting the dialogue given to commissioners by Commissioner Pat Gass. We cannot confirm the dialogue is correct as written, nor can we confirm the source.


Gass Gass


Gass 19

Gass 20

Gass - Page 3

March 17, 2015

Eric BarteltEditor’s Note: Eric Bartelt retired as a corporate design consultant and moved to Fernandina Beach in 2004. His previously lived in Wisconsin. Since Eric’s arrival in Fernandina Beach, he spends his time volunteering, and playing soccer. We thank Eric for his contributions to the Fernandina Observer.

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Mike Oxard
Mike Oxard (@guest_36889)
8 years ago

I remember commissioner Gass stating on multiple occasions that the City Manager should terminate some firefighters to set an example. I believe she has certainly violated the charter, and I hope the City Attorney holds her accountable, as she instructed Attorney Bach to do. Ironically she now wants to start holding folks accountable, when the lack of accountability is why we seem to be going thru this mess in the first place. Better tread lightly Ms. Gass, the last person who tried to hold anyone accountable was terminated for doing such. However, word on the street is Ms. Marley is looking to collect a 7 figure settlement, so maybe that’s the angle Ms. Gass is taking now…

Robert Warner
Robert Warner (@guest_36915)
8 years ago

Wish Pat would help, rather than continuously obstruct. This community deserves better.

Tommy Spicer
Tommy Spicer (@guest_36919)
8 years ago

Based on Commissioner Gass comments at previous meetings regarding the fire department she needs to apply sanctions to herself. Mr. Oxard, you are absolutely right, she did suggest terminating some fire fighters. Based on a 20 minute assault toward me at the commission meeting two weeks ago, it’s apparent she has been in close contact and possibly been involved with the fire administration in day to day operations of the fire department. The sad part is she has been sent all the exit interviews, reports, inquiries, statements, documents,
etc. and she is in complete denial
of the truth! Everything, I as well as others have stated in the commission meetings, the facts and information were gathered through “public information requests,” which I had stated in a previous meeting. The truth and information are laying in her lap. Its unfortunate she does not understand the words/ terms”professional and qualified”! Regarding Human Directors lawsuit, it’s very sad that the tax payers are the ones that will suffer the consequences in the end.

T Shafer
T Shafer (@guest_36925)
8 years ago

Not sure of the legalities but this excerpt shows recommendations by Mayor Boner and Vice Mayor Miller as directing the City Manager. Are they, too, to be sanctioned? Seems to me the biggest misstep of this Commission is not taking sooner action on the City Manager. It appears they’ll have 4 more months of his “professionalism”.

Peggy Bulger
Peggy Bulger(@peggy-bulger1949gmail-com)
8 years ago

What a waste of time & resources!! Ms Gass needs to stop playing politics & serve the people — the people who have spoken with their votes for the current commission

Steve Crounse
Steve Crounse (@guest_36932)
8 years ago

It seems, for the rest of her term in office,( which will not be long know.) Gass the elder, will continue to be an obstructionist. She seems to not understand that the Voters of this City have turned the page on “Good old Boy or Girl Rule”I know Commissioners Miller & Boner have been trying to play nice with Ms. Gass for the sake of our Governing body. They are both trying to maintain some Maturity and Professionalism to the office of City Commissioner. I’m sorry to say, Commissioner Gass continues to, disrupt and make our City Commission a joke by these tirades at the Commission Meetings and the News Leaders follow-ups in the Opinion Column. It really is time to stop this embarrassment, the people of our community deserve better.

V Burgress
V Burgress (@guest_36933)
8 years ago

Another point comes to the fore front speaking of sanctions and possible violations of law. I’m concerned how commissioner Gass reviewed and exposed Mr. Spicer’s FMLA information which is protected by federal law? I can only assume that she was provided access to his files or someone within the city discussed the files with her, if so they are equally as guilty. Again it appears she may have broken not local but federal law! I’m curious, has the city attorney schooled her on FMLA? I believe Mr. Spicer may have a strong case against her as well as slander. Commissioner Gass needs to remove herself from office immediately before she contributes to another lawsuit for the city.

Andrew Curtin
Andrew Curtin(@bkdriverajcgmail-com)
8 years ago

Mr.(Ms.) Burgess,
It’s called a Public Records request.

Jim powers
Jim powers (@guest_37395)
8 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Curtin

Mr. Curtin,
The HIPPA laws of 2008 preclude ANY personal medical information being released through personal record requests. Personal medical information, including all information in FMLA paperwork, is confidential and exempt from the Florida Records Act.

John P. Megna
John P. Megna (@guest_37037)
8 years ago

First: Ms. Gass – please stop the non-sense. You are on a short lease. The comments about Poynter and Lenz could be taken as the same as what you have accused them of . Lets get down to doing and promoting ideas and move on to the actual business that all of you were elected by the citizens. I believe ? Mayor Ed Boner and Vice Mayor have tried to keep the peace, Poynter and Lenz never asked Joe to quit – only to answer some questions and problems that were there but unanswered to the public.

John P. Megna
John P. Megna (@guest_37038)
8 years ago

Forgot to say, Ed I’m sorry you have decided not to run. This City should and will miss you during the coming years. We need individuals who have the City’s and Citizens interests as their main objective.

Theogenes Garcia-Luina
Theogenes Garcia-Luina (@guest_37098)
8 years ago



Myra Mains
Myra Mains (@guest_37300)
8 years ago

Mr. Megna you are correct Ms. Lentz and Mr. Poynter did not ask Mr. Gerrity to resign…though Mr. Poynter said straight out at the May 5th meeting there was not a motion and he was not asking for a second….yet.