Final Fernandina Beach City Commission results – Runoff on the horizon

Submitted by Susan Hardee Steger

City Commissioner Group 1
David Bert Austin 146 (8.875%)
Andrew J. Curtin 524 (31.85%)
Johnny Miller 572 (34.77%)
Lynn Williams 403 (24.49%)
Straw Ballot for Mayor
Ed Boner 858 (53.99%)
Sarah L. Pelican 731 (46.00%)
Yes – for Approval 572 (35.97%)
No – for Rejection 1,018 (64.02%)

There were 27 undervotes.
November 5, 2013 7:20 p.m.

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carol adams
carol adams (@guest_16164)
10 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this with us so soon!!!!! I appreciate your efforts!

Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
10 years ago

Congratulations to Johnny and Andy for getting to the final leg of the race. Thanks to Lynn and Bert for your willingness to engage the community with your ideas and plans. Tip of the hat to Ed in your future role as Mayor. I know you will represent the City well.
Based on my earlier opinion piece, I wasn’t displeased with the defeat of the CRA limitations being lifted in the abstract. Show me a definitive need/plan for CRA(s) that exceed the current limitations and we can address at that time.

tony crawford
tony crawford (@guest_16170)
10 years ago

This should be a very interesting run off election between Johhny and Andy.
I hope someone will arrange another public forum to once again ask the questions. I think it is very importand to hear for public record how each stand on the future funding for charities, how they stand on funding Shrimp Fest, and how they have felt in the past and how they feel now about making sure the libary gets done.
These have been hot bed issues this year and whoever gets elected can have a hugh impact on the direction the Commission will take concerning these matters.

Dave, it may not be time tip your hat to Ed just yet. That was a straw pole and the Commission must vote on it. I think when the people of the city vote someone in as their Mayor, it is the Commissions obligation to honor that request. I just would guess anything can still happen.