Common Core, Libertarian candidate, textbooks, and more – An opinion

An opinion
Submitted by Robin Lentz

August 24, 2016 10:00 a.m.

FOpinions_Wordpress-300x151I am writing to respond to several claims I have heard Janet Adkins, current State Representative and candidate for Nassau County Superintendent of Schools, make regarding curriculum and text books. She claims she will do away with “Common Core” curriculum. An experienced and seasoned educator knows that curriculum and standards must align.

The State of Florida adopted Florida State Standards which are the same standards as Common Core with very minor changes. She’s been very quick to negatively attack tests scores, but I want to ask: What will happen to our test scores if we are not teaching the curriculum that matches and aligns with the standards?

Furthermore, she says she will adopt textbooks “locally.” We do adopt our textbooks locally. I have worked for the Nassau County School Board since August 2003, and we adopt textbooks by assembling a review panel of teachers. They meet multiple times to discuss the pros and cons of several vendors’ textbooks. Parents have been a part of this adoption process and the books are typically presented at our School Advisory Council meetings for approval.

If Mrs. Adkins actually worked in a school, visited one of our schools, or engaged with our administrators, she might actually know this information. Instead, she chooses to visit other schools around the state and launch negative attacks on our district. I have been following this campaign from the beginning, and I have yet to find where Mrs. Adkins has said one positive thing about our schools.

Finally, I want to close with what frustrates me the most about this campaign, and that is the fact that Mrs. Adkins continues to skirt the question of her relationship with Libertarian candidate, Cheryl Reynolds James. I wrote a letter to the NewsLeader in June, and Mrs. Adkins responded to my claims but did not answer the questions regarding James. She was asked the same question at the debate hosted by the NewsLeader on July 18. She responded by saying a lot of other things as a diversion and quickly stated she did not know James. She may not have spoken to James directly, but her people have orchestrated this third candidate at her direction.

F-O-Smaller2-300x300Upon examination of the financial statements, James’ most expensive expenditure was to a man named Raymond Johnson from Jacksonville for getting petitions signed. Interesting enough, the same address listed for Raymond Johnson is also listed on Adkins’ expenditures six times for a business called “Grassroots Campaign Management.” There are Facebook posts where James has claimed retirement and offered ways for folks to get their Janet Adkins signs. James is more of an Adkins proponent than opponent. Janet has not been honest with the voters about her political ploys.

People have been sending many flyers “Thanking Janet” in one way or another. I would like to take this opportunity to urge the remaining Democrats and No-Party Affiliation folks (nearly half of our county) to thank Janet for not being able to vote in one of the most important races this year. For someone who touts herself as a patriot, she has certainly taken away what Americans treasure the most: the right to vote. Her claims prove she has NO experience in education and her actions prove she IS an experienced politician.

Editor’s Note:  Robin Lentz who holds a masters degree in education is a guidance counselor at Fernandina Beach Middle School, and serves as Vice-Mayor on the Fernandina Beach City Commissioner.  Lentz is involved in the campaign to elect Dr. Kathy Burns for Nassau County School Superintendent.

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Steven Crounse
Steven Crounse (@guest_47781)
7 years ago

I want to applaud, one of our bright young Civic Leaders, and Passionate Educators for all the work she has done, in trying to maintain the advances the Nassau County Schools have accomplished under Dr. Ruis. Who by the way Endorses Dr. Burns as his Replacement as Superintendent.
Adkins political Cartel, by Closing the Republican Primaries through shenanigans, (all legal) and political thuggery. Mail outs to the Electorate of what amounts to Political Smut. to demean the life’s work in Education of Dr. Burns Vs. Sticking to her (Adkins) Qualifications and Issues is Despicable, and Demeans the Office of Nassau County Superintendent of Schools. The Endorsment of Dr. Burns by Senator Aaron Bean, No one knows Ms. Adkins better Professionally, is so telling on many levels. Her Endorsment by the Teachers Assoc. Individual Educators, Trade Unions, Most if not all Civic Leaders in the City and County. Our Children have only one choice. Dr. K. Burns. VOTE.

Stephen Coe
Stephen Coe(@stephen-coe)
7 years ago

Just curious. Was this opinion by a person “involved in the campaign to elect Dr. Kathy Burns” solicited by the FO? Further, has the FO attempted to include “an opinion” by those supporting Adkins? Balance is key to journalistic integrity. Or as Billy Joel sang:
“Honesty is hardly ever heard , but mostly what I need from you.”

Stephen Coe
Stephen Coe(@stephen-coe)
7 years ago
Reply to  Co Editor

Yeah I read it. I didn’t accuse the FO of not disclosing Robin’s involvement with the Burns campaign. I asked 2 simple questions. The fact that they were not answered speaks volumes.
The devil wears Pravda.

Stephen Coe
Stephen Coe(@stephen-coe)
7 years ago
Reply to  Co Editor

Thanks for the information. I have seen the Adkins’ press releases. Not quite the same as opinion pieces, but publishing them did bolster the FO’s credibility. I’m really happy to hear that you did not solicit the Lentz piece. I’m a friend of the FO. (I know, with friends like these who needs enemies.) I’m just a stickler for integrity in journalism.

Sharyl Wood
Sharyl Wood (@guest_47804)
7 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Coe

Mr. Coe, there are few, if any publications in the universe that do not eventually state recommendations or support for political candidates. The fact that regardless of the editorial views of the FO, they have still published Ms. Adkins’ “press releases,” which are glorified campaign statements. If anyone presented a personal opinion about Ms. Adkins similar to this opinion by Ms. Lentz, I’m sure the FO would take the high road and publish that, too. Even if they had to cringe while doing it.

Jim Alloy
Jim Alloy (@guest_47785)
7 years ago

Mr. Coe, I am sure that if you wrote an opinion piece supporting Ms. Adkins the Observer would have printed it with the same disclaimers used in Ms. Lentz piece. Have some courage or is it that you have nothing to say about Ms. Adkins candidacy that is not first vetted by her husband. Stand up like a real Billy Joel fan.

Stephen Coe
Stephen Coe(@stephen-coe)
7 years ago
Reply to  Jim Alloy

So Jim,
I’ve never said I supported either candidate in this race because I don’t. As I have explained before, I am not eligible to vote in Nassau County elections. I have, however, written on several occasions regarding the FO’s bias in its coverage of this race. Unfortunately, the FO’s lack of balance in its reporting and the opinion pieces it runs now calls into question its integrity on EVERY matter it covers. That saddens me because I can remember when the FO was a reliable source for unbalanced reporting on important issues facing Nassau County. When this publication refuses to answer the questions I posited in an earlier comment to this story, it becomes apparent that I hit the truth. All semblance of integrity is gone.
Now Jim, I hope that addresses your questions about my courage. If you have further inquiries about that matter, I’ll be on AI next week and we can discuss it in person if you’d like. I give the FO permission to send you my email address if you want to contact me to arrange such a meeting.

Debra Ackerman
Debra Ackerman (@guest_47786)
7 years ago

Mrs. Lentz, thank you for taking the time to write this informative article. I not only concur with your assessment of Mrs. Adkins’ straw man arguments, but also find Ms. James’ so-called “candidacy” and the related effort to disenfranchise so many voters to be repugnant. When considered in light of the fact that Mrs. Adkins apparently does not meet the minimum qualifications to be hired as a local K-12 district superintendent in 45 states (i.e., prior experience as a licensed classroom teacher or principal and/or an advanced degree specifically related to school administration), I now have a very clear sense of which candidate is in the best position to continue building on the district’s prior educational achievements. And on a final related note, thank you for all that you do on behalf of the district’s students!

Steven Crounse
Steven Crounse (@guest_47789)
7 years ago

Dr. Burns, Just received your Political flyer in the Mail, What a breath of fresh air. No negative comments about your competitor for the Post of Superintendent. Just facts about your stance on Issues. and of course the fact that Our State Senator Aaron Bean endorsed you in the most glowing terms. Senator Bean states: “Kathy Burns is a Conservative Republican and by far the most qualified to lead our schools. As for the negative attacks against her, they are simply not true. I know Kathy. She supports our Nassau County Values,and does not support Common Core. So join me in voting for Dr. Kathy Burns in the Republican Primary” BOOM !!!!! Please Vote.

Doug Adkins
Doug Adkins (@guest_47792)
7 years ago

Robin Lentz is the reason for the negative tone of this campaign. Her ability to spin the truth is really impressive even for a liberal democrat. She is dead wrong about Janet – perhaps if Ms. Lentz spent 15 minutes with Janet she would understand why 38 members of the Florida House of Representatives and the CFO Atwater have endorsed her for the position, simply put Janet has been recognized as a statewide leader in education and that is why she was reappointed to chairmanship of the K12 education committee under two speakers. She has been appointed to serve on almost all of the other major committees and is was involved in many of the major reforms, she understands what happens in our schools. Good grief, Robin Lentz does not even have the decency to understand Janet’s plan because it does not align with her progressive liberal views end of discussion. Robin Lentz needs to review FS 1006.283 and take a closer look at how local textbook adoption really works, as someone who holds elected office she shows a surprising lack of insight as to what the words mean “local text book adoption” really mean. Just review the statutes and understand the plain meaning of local control. You can bet Janet knows what she is dong, she has been wrestling with these curriculum issues for some time and this is the way to address it. Of course Robin Lentz would not know this because she has never sat in the seat of the K12 Education chair one day and has not spent the hundreds of hours dealing with the wide range of people and issues associated with the job. Robin Lentz is in part responsible for the tone of this campaign, when you want to know why this campaign season has become so contentious, just look at people like Robin Lentz and you will find the seeds that she personally has sown. So it does not matter who you vote for – neither candidate has ever taught middle or high school, neither candidate has been a principal, neither candidate has been a district administrator.

Steven Crounse
Steven Crounse (@guest_47793)
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Adkins

That’s Right Doug, Robin Lentz is the Total problem with this Election Primary, and how the Election of the Superintendent of Schools, has descended into the Political Sewer. If she had only been quite. Please explain to us all, how Ms Lentz, coherst Ms. James into running as a Strew Candidate, to close the Republican Primary to a large Minority of the Electorate in Nassau County.? and the Negative Ads, Videos, Flyers, you know the Political Smut you’ve peddled around the County? Doug, seriously, have you no conscience.? All’s fair in love and Politics.? Maybe it’s time for Janet to go into the Family Business.

Robin Lentz
Robin Lentz(@marathonrobinyahoo-com)
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Adkins

Mr. Adkins- why doesn’t Janet speak for herself? Are the people voting for you or her? Every time there is a comment on here, it’s you speaking. I happened to be at Central Park and City Hall when Janet was invited. She refused to come so I could hear her speak. She has not reached out to me or any of my educator colleagues to ask our insight on education issues. You continuously use the term “progressive liberal,” and I don’t know what that means. Being progressive in education is a great thing- cutting edge of best practices. Being liberal has nothing to do with the classroom. Why is this position so partisan in your eyes? Your camp has made this political. And for the record, I have voted for many different parties in my life because I believe in common sense. I vote for who I think will do the best job. You’re correct that I have not sat on a K12 committee for the last 6 years…I actually meet with parents, students, advocates and education professionals every day for the last 12 school years not lobbyist from outside of our county. I know what are strengths and challenges are in our district. I’m on the front lines in the trenches as a teacher, guidance counselor, parent and volunteer. You are correct that both candidates have never taught middle or high school and neither have been administrators, but if Dr. Burns wanted to be an administrator in the state of Florida, she exceeds eligibility right now while Janet does not. Oh, almost forgot….what is your involvement in getting Cheryl Reynolds James to run and close the primary? Maybe the third time is a charm to get a clear, transparent, straight-forward answer?

Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Adkins

Doug Adkins blaming Robin Lentz for the negative campaign is like blaming the police department for ticketing a person for running a stop sign. From the letters and opinion pieces I have read that Mrs. Lentz has penned, she has only contrasted the experience of Dr. Burns with that of Mrs. Adkins in a variety of educational areas.
From the very start, Mrs. Adkins campaign literature has contained misleading comments about Dr. Burns (i.e. never taught in a Nassau County school – since her position on the NC School Board prevents her, rightfully so, from teaching within the district) as well as the latest disgusting TV ad. Mrs. Adkins refusal to participate in debates/town halls that although were sponsored by organizations that were viewed to favor Dr. Burns speaks volumes.

Robert martyn
Robert martyn (@guest_47809)
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Adkins

Hey Doug, why don’t your wife explain how she tried to suppress the black vote secretly for Corrine brown? why don’t your wife explain truthfully why Cheryl James is in this race and she doesn’t know her but she has ties to you and her assistant Jim Adams. Why don’t you explain how your wife sat on the state education committee and not one time stood up to common core? Why don’t she explain all her contributions from charter schools? Why don’t she even speak on her own behalf?

John Martin
John Martin (@guest_47800)
7 years ago

Doug Adkins blaming Robin Lentz for the negative tone of his wife’s campaign is hilarious. I didn’t know that Robin had that much power and influence over Doug. Anyone that has paid any attention to this race has seen the despicable attack ads from the Adkins’ campaign and not a single negative reply from Dr. Kathy Burns. The obvious choice for Superintendent of Schools is Dr. Kathy Burns. In a previous post by Doug Adkins, he accused me of being an “angry man” with a “quick temper”. After reading his post blaming Robin Lentz for his negative campaign, I think the “angry man” is what he sees when he looks in the mirror.

Mac Morriss
Mac Morriss(@macmorrisshotmail-com)
7 years ago

I am not addressing any other issue in this article or in the comments except for one, Robin Lentz’s integrity and honesty. I have known her for years and consider her a friend. While she and I do not always agree on issues, I trust her without reservation to be honest and to have the well being of this community’s students and City residents at the core of all her actions. Bottom line, Robin does Not spin the truth. She is a straight shooter as far as I am concerned. And we are fortunate to have her as a well educated and qualified school counselor and as a hardworking City Commissioner. I say this even though I have personally butted heads with her over a couple of City issues in the past.

John Bertsch
John Bertsch(@jprbertschaol-com)
7 years ago

I have said this before in the Observer, and now once more for–hopefully– the last time — politics and education do not mix. Want proof? Google: state of Kansas and education.

Neil Blalock
Neil Blalock (@guest_47806)
7 years ago

Thank you Robin for your comments. I agree

Dee Torre
Dee Torre(@dldtorrecomcast-net)
7 years ago

It is time to get politics out of the leadership of education in Nassau County and this election proves it. If we want high quality instruction in our schools we need a leader who is trained to provide this leadership–not a political platform that clearly reflects personal biases and beliefs—our schools are diverse. In most states Janet Adkins would not qualify to serve as superintendent of schools. She has not taught, she has no training to supervise principals and has never written curriculum that works in the classroom. A superintendent of schools is a role model for children, parents and the community. There are children who pick up the nasty mailings Janet has sent out and young adults in our middle schools and high schools who learn by the examples these two women have set during this campaign. I voted for Kathy Burns a professional educator and conservative Republican.

Michael Spino
Michael Spino (@guest_47822)
7 years ago

I got a nice email from Janet. Here’s a little bit: “The Democrats, progressive liberals and unions are lined up behind my opponent. They support common core curriculum. They’ve allowed Islamic ideas to be including in our textbooks and taught in our classrooms. And they are weak on Obama’s transgender bathroom and locker room mandate.” So I guess any chance that Janet would serve all constituents if elected is off the table. But then I never thought she was going to serve anyone but her narrow minded personal interests.