Amelia Island revealed . . .

September 23, 2017 1:00 a.m.


Irma seems to be stalking these Fernandina Beach residents. Pictured are Tony and Janet Quattrochi, Patty and Charlie Sciarini and Robert and Lee Hamer at Buffalo Bill Cody’s hotel in Cody, Wyoming. Not pictured is Karen Thompson.  The historic hotel was built in 1902 and named after Cody’s daughter Irma.  The Amelia Island residents are taking part in the Majestic National Parks Tour.

Editor’s Note: Although not an Amelia Island photo, it is ironic that these Amelia Island residents, many of whom stayed on the island during Irma, ended up staying at the Irma Hotel! Like a bad penny, Irma shows up.  We thank Karen Thompson, features reporter for the Fernandina Observer for sending the photo our way.  Happy travels!