Ross, Bean Snarl Over Invite to Ethanol Firm

By Mike Lednovich

Fernandina Beach Mayor Bradley Bean, who works for Rayonier Advanced Materials (RYAM), skirted with conflict of interest when he objected to a request to have Rayonier make a presentation regarding its plans to build a bioethanol plant at its current facility.

During the closing minutes of Tuesday’s city commission meeting, Commissioner Chip Ross asked for commission consensus to have RYAM make a presentation about the proposed bioethanol facility.

“I believe they’ll (RYAM) will be going through the normal process so I don’t think we need to give any direction (to them),” Bean said. “Why are you going to ask this one particular business to make a presentation?”

Ross said according to RYAM’s application the company plans to produce 7.5 million gallons of ethanol in the city.

“They’ve (RYAM) put in an air quality permit and they’ve asked for public comment,” Ross said. “I think it’s totally appropriate to ask them what they’re putting into our city. They’re also putting it in a 100-year flood plain. They’re also putting over 1,000 more ethanol trucks on the road. How is that going to affect the community?”

Commissioner James Antun supported Ross’ suggestion.

Vice Mayor David Sturges then suggested the matter be tabled and referred to City Manager Ty Ross.

“You need to talk about this in your own meeting (with the city manager),” Bean told Ross.

Ross explained that he had already asked the city manager about the RYAM presentation and was told he needed a city commission consensus to move forward.

“Listen, I don’t hear that. There are plenty of public comments with the state, there’s so many meetings with public comment, why would we add one more to the city,” Bean said.

Ross told Bean, “I’ll just point out that you work for this company and it’s inappropriate, what you’re saying right now.”

Bean, Sturges and Commissioner Darron Asycue did not voice support for the proposal.

But that didn’t end the friction between Bean and Ross.

About 10 minutes later in his closing comments, Bean took a final shot at Ross.

“I want to end this with just a response to Commissioner Ross. I’ve been sitting here thinking about this. I know the mill has actually invited Commissioner Ross to go before and visit the mill and take a tour. And Commissioner Ross did not come on that day,” Bean said. “So I want to put that out there in the public and give that response to everybody.”

Ross immediately shot back “I want to respond to that and I’ve never been invited (to RYAM) and I don’t know why you did that. It was unnecessary.”

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Noble Member
[email protected](@rocknrobin12gmail-com)
5 months ago

Wow! Bean was defending the company he works for. Good job Ross. Don’t let the 3 clowns continue. Baby Bean especially.

Active Member
5 months ago

Excellent job commissioner Ross. The “Beanie child” should step out of this and recuse himself. Keep his feet to the fire!
PS: A 1000 more trucks on our streets.

Noble Member
5 months ago

Why not ASK Rayonier if they WANT to address the Commission? They can say yes or no. Bean doesn’t speak for the firm.

Robert Weintraub
Noble Member
Robert Weintraub(@rukbat23gmail-com)
5 months ago
Reply to  Bob

Of course he delivers whatever message RYAM wants him to do.

Trusted Member
5 months ago

1000 trucks carrying FUEL on an overcrowded road through residential and commercial areas of our city?! And the FUEL production facility close by?! WHY should citizens support this???

Robert Weintraub
Noble Member
Robert Weintraub(@rukbat23gmail-com)
5 months ago

Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of this process. What happens to it?

Ben Martin
Noble Member
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
5 months ago

C02 is a gas that is vital to life on earth. Through the process of photosynthesis the carbon is absorbed by the plant and the O2 is liberated. It used to be said the one day the CO2 global warming scam would be recognized as the biggest frauds in the history of mankind. But then came covID. If Global Warming is real, why do banks still make loans on seaside properties?

Last edited 5 months ago by Ben Martin
Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
5 months ago
Reply to  Ben Martin

Because the banks make money from it.

Ben Martin
Noble Member
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark Tomes

Noble Member
[email protected](@angeldoccie2003yahoo-com)
5 months ago
Reply to  Ben Martin

Global warming is not a scam. Extensive research has shown that. Research beats outright denial.

Ben Martin
Noble Member
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
5 months ago

Science is all about verifying one’s hypothesizes with real world observations. If you can go into your Smart Phone and show us anywhere on the planet where it will be 120 F on 11/25/2023 let us know. Your best bet would be to look in desert regions a little south of the equator.

Please be aware of psychological operations used to induce mass fear and anxiety. We saw that during covID. It was conducted by the corporate media.

According to certain sources the main driver of climate change is the Sun. The Sun has cycles of activity. It is said we are entering a solar minimum and the next 25 years are going to be cold. It could affect crop production. But don’t worry there will be enough bug burgers and grasshopper salad for everyone. Meal Worms are also an option. The media can be used to “normalize” consumption.

Noble Member
5 months ago

This seems like a clear conflict of interest. Does the firm reward Bean for running interference for them? The city deserves to learn more about the implications of this facility.

Active Member
5 months ago

Municipal officials, elected or appointed, are not only under an obligation to avoid conflicts of interest but also to avoid even the appearance of a conflict.

Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
5 months ago

Commissioner Ross made excellent arguments for RYAM presenting their plan to the commissioners and having public comment. Anyone arguing against it sure sounds like they are hiding something.

Betsie Huben
Famed Member
Betsie Huben(@betsie-huben)
5 months ago

When big changes are on the horizon for our city, our city commissioners and its citizens should be fully informed in a public and forthright manner. Nothing (including a bioethanol plant) happens in a vacuum. Commissioner Ross was 100% right to ask for a presentation we can all observe.

Noble Member
4 months ago

Maybe they can just tie a fuel trailer to the back of all those log trucks, you know, since the log trucks are going in the opposite direction. Take loaded log trailers in and loaded fuel trailers out. Now that would work!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by WaynesBit
Active Member
4 months ago

You need to spend a little more time doing your research before you write a article.The company logo you have posted is NOT the company logo of Rayonier Advanced Materials.

Kathy Blacklock
Active Member
Kathy Blacklock(@blacklock)
4 months ago
Reply to  Navy_vet45
