Flood Awareness Month in Nassau County

from The County Insider
Office of the Nassau County Manager
April 27, 2022

It’s Flood Awareness Month! As a voluntary participant in the National Flood Insurance Program that provides residents with flood insurance at premium rates, we will be publishing periodic flood awareness messages  throughout the month as it helps us maintain our flood management ratings.

Tip # 6: Protect Our Natural Floodplain Functions

Floodplains are areas located near rivers, ponds, lakes and ocean that flood periodically. They contain both cultural and natural resources that are good for the environment. Flood waters can carry nutrient-rich sediments that contribute to healthy vegetation. Flood plains are also beneficial to wildlife as they create a variety of habitats for fish and other animals.

Protect our natural floodplain functions, keep swales and drainage ditches clear of debris to ensure water flow, and report the dumping of materials to the appropriate agency. Learn more about natural floodplains by visiting Nassau County’s webpage dedicated to floodplain management and resiliency.

-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer

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Robin Bogosh
Robin Bogosh(@robinbogosh)
2 years ago

I sought to purchase flood insurance this year since I had missed the last couple of years due to financial challenges. I received a flood insurance quote of $2500 a year. I used to pay about $500 a year. I am told this is because of the new flood insurance rate structure effective October 1, 2021. This is not affordable on top of the increasing inflation and everything else that is going on.