U.S. Constitution Scholarship Foundation holds Speaker’s Forum

Submitted by Sharyl Wood
April 13, 2017 11:30 a.m.

USCSF Board members (L-R) Al Watson,
Jeff Murphy, Bill Amos, and Howard Pines with Steve Moore and Dr. John Baker
(University of US speaker).

The U.S. Constitution Scholarship Foundation had its inaugural Speaker’s Forum on Monday, April 10th at the Omni Conference Center. One hundred sixty-two people were in attendance. Well-known economist and writer Stephen Moore was the featured speaker. His subject was the “Return to Prosperity.” Mr. Moore actually arrived a little later than scheduled as he had been called to the White House for some economic discussions earlier in the day. He spoke candidly and in-depth about why he feels Donald Trump won the election and why he believes President Trump’s economic plan, especially around taxes, is on target. Mr. Moore used charts to demonstrate that states like Florida and Texas, which do not have a state income tax, are doing much better economically and in terms of job growth than states like California, Connecticut and New York, which have continually increased their state income tax rates. He also used charts to show how President Reagan’s programs, which he likened to President Trump’s, were much more successful in regard to economic and job growth than President Obama’s. Where he took strong issue with President Trump was around free trade.

Scholarship winner Madison Moore (C) joined by her parents.

Prior to Mr. Moore’s address, Al Watson, President of the U.S. Constitution Scholarship Foundation spoke of the Foundation’s three pillars: the Speaker’s Forum; the University of US, an after school program teaching Nassau County high school students about our Heritage, our Founders and our U.S. Constitution; and the scholarship program, which will award two $5,000 scholarships this May to the University of US students who win an essay contest on the Constitution. Mr. Watson made the point that unfortunately most of our high schools no longer provide in-depth programs dedicated to our Heritage, Founders, and Constitution. Madison Moore and Riley Cassel, two of the students who will graduate this year, were introduced by Mr. Watson who also showed a short video of Madison Moore’s winning speech in the Rotary Club’s Florida Oratory Competition, discussing the importance of the U.S. Constitution.

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Chris Bryan
Chris Bryan (@guest_48767)
7 years ago

Congratulations on your first event. Thank you for bringing this program to our community and for your love of our country