Townies donates to Florida District of Eastern Surfing Association

Media Release
Rebecca McClure
Public Relations Associate
Axia Public Relations
June 18, 2016 11:22 a.m.

Townies Pizzeria presented a $1,000 check to the First Coast
Florida District of Eastern Surfing Association, which goes towards surf
clinics for the local kids.

Townies - Recent
Townies Pizzeria Manager Robby Ward and Community Ambassador Becca McClure presents Eastern Surfing Association with a $1,000 ceremonial check to celebrate the “Italian street food” restaurant’s support of sports and youth in the local community.

“We would like for surfing to have a similar status as football and baseball. Surfing is a productive, physical activity that gets kids outdoors,” said David Montgomery, local ESA director. “This donation let’s us focus on our mission of growing and getting more kids involved in a healthy, outdoor activity.”

Founded in 1967, ESA promotes, preserves and protects the sport of surfing on the East Coast. ESA is committed to introducing children to the sport of amateur surfing, while teaching them the importance of preservation of free access to a clean shoreline and ocean environment.

“We fully support the Eastern Surfing Association’s mission to keep kids healthy and active,” said Matt Klabacka, owner of Townies Pizzeria. “Providing aid to children’s sporting activities shows kids that the community is committed to their success.”

Townies is dedicated to supporting the arts, education, sports, environmental programs, military veterans and first responders through community giving in financial support as well as in kind donations. Townies Pizzeria is celebrating its most successful year in business since its founding, as they are in the top 10% of pizzerias in America.