Thoughts on July 4th . . .

Submitted by Ali Elwell
July 4, 2016 4th of July1:15

The Fourth of July is famed for being one of the greatest days of the year; there’s fireworks, cookouts, long days at the beach with your friends to look forward to, and of course – parties. Everyone requests off work, goes somewhere special, and spends the day drinking and eating with friends and family.

All of this is well and good, until you think about the actual reason behind this excuse for a long weekend and a vacation. The Fourth of July is a day literally dedicated to celebrating and remembering our independence and our liberty. It’s a day to understand how we came to be the most renowned superpower in the world. It’s a day to recognize and honor those who have served in our Armed Forces and died protecting our freedom and our right to say that we get to live in such an incredible country.

Seriously, what other countries have a claim to fame like the slogan, “The American Dream?” People all over the world have been struggling their entire lives just to get the chance at moving to the United States for a shot at living this “Dream.” The dream that you can make anything out of yourself with a little blood, sweat, and tears; and we are the country that has been offering that for the last 238 years.

This week, I just wanted to dedicate this article to those who have dedicated their lives to creating and bettering this exceptional country. Thank you to our service members who have fought to keep us safe. Thank you to our Founding Fathers for daring to be independent and free, and giving us the roots of what our nation would come to be. Lastly, thank you to all of the people in this nation who embody all that it is to be an “American” and give nothing but their loyalty and support to this country.

Regardless of your political affiliation or opinions on how the government is run, it is important to remember this Fourth of July that we are all Americans, and there is so much more to celebrate than just having a day off. Celebrate our diversity. Celebrate our perseverance. Celebrate our independence.

Editor’s Note: Ali Elwell is the daughter of John and Mary Elwell. Ali is a student at Florida State University and is spending the summer with her parents in Fernandina Beach.

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John Goshco
John Goshco (@guest_47471)
7 years ago

Thanks Ali. Great reminder.

Robert Warner
Robert Warner (@guest_47472)
7 years ago

It’s now Ali’s world. All of us need to listen to her – and take care of it.