Stay on top of the storm

Submitted by Suanne Z. Thamm
Reporter – News Analyst
October 5, 2016 11:19 a.m.


As Hurricane Matthew approaches Florida and Nassau County, it pays to stay on top of storm updates.  The two sites below are particularly useful:


At the October 4, 2016 Fernandina Beach City Commission (FBCC)  meeting, both City Manager Dale Martin and Mayor John Miller stressed the need for residents to take the storm seriously and to take precautions.  Martin advised that if the evacuation order is given, all city vehicles–including fire rescue trucks–will leave the island.  Anyone who chooses to remain behind despite an evacuation order will have no emergency services available to assist in the event of medical issues.  Miller advised that now might be a good time to visit friends and family who live away from the Southeast coastal area.

The Fernandina Observer will attempt to keep our readers updated.