NACDAC offers free support groups to the community

Media Release
April 12, 2017 1:00 p.m.

NACDAC welcomes Janice Clarkson as the facilitator for two new support groups. “Support groups are powerful. They provide hope! Hope springs from a sense of the possible.” Janice is a licensed mental health counselor and a certified addiction counselor. “Being an active participant of support groups can help build courage and determination.”

In addition to hope, these support groups will help empower participants, provide social support and education. We all have the need to be safe and supported; the group setting allows for participants to gain encouragement from their peers that may have shared experiences and who will listen and help build strength.

Often those in recovery or those that are struggling to find their connection to the community have lost a sense of self or feel like they have lost the power in their lives; support groups can help participants gain their sense of self back, gain meaning in their life, and be armed with the tools they need to be a citizen of their community.

The LGBTQ and Living in Recovery support groups will start April 25, 2017. The Living with Loss group is currently meeting every Monday.

LGBTQ Tuesdays 4:00-5:30—For anyone that identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community. Participants will be able to share feelings and experiences in a safe and honest environment.
Living in Recovery Tuesdays 6:00-7:30—This group is for anyone recovering from any type of addiction. The goal of this group is to harbor a safe, confidential environment where one can gain support and skills to be successful in recovery.
Living with Loss Mondays 4:00-5:00—This support group is for anyone who has lost a loved one and needs a safe place for comfort and support. Facilitated by Kerrie Albert.

Support groups are currently for those 18 and older. All support groups will meet in Suite 119 of the Peck Center—516 S. 10th St. Fernandina Beach—for questions about the support groups offered, or to get more information please contact NACDAC at 904-277-3699 or email [email protected]