It’s Sunday and your votes are being counted again

By Susan Hardee Steger
November 11, 2018 12:48 p.m.

Election officials, (far right) including Supervisor Vicki Cannon, and the I.T. specialist review machine testing with the Nassau County Canvasing Board members; BOCC Attorney Mike Mullin, County Judge Wesley Poole, and Nassau County Commissioner Danny Leeper.

Five days after the official Election Day on November 6, Nassau County Supervisor of Elections Officials and the Nassau County Canvassing Board are overseeing vote counting again in the Florida elections for Governor, Senator, and Secretary of Agriculture.  Because the three races fell within the vote margins of less than 0.5% Florida Election Laws require a recount.

Ballots, separated according to precincts,  will again be placed  in optical scanners to verify vote totals.  The day began with equipment testing.

The recount process began at 9:00 a.m. in the James Page Government Center and it is expected to take 8 hours to complete. Approximately 10 individuals, mainly Democrats, were in an adjacent room observing the process. Some seasoned election watchers heaped high praise on Supervisor Vicki Cannon’s knowledge of the elections process and expressed confidence the recount process would be fair.

Individuals designated as observers included representatives of the Nelson, DeSantis, Gillum, campaigns, and a representative of one of the candidates for Secretary of Agriculture. Pictured in the group were local Democrat observer Carla Voisard, and Republican observers Sarah Pelican and John Martin.