“God Bless America” at Yulee High attracts media attention

Submitted by James A. Drake
February 13, 2015 11:15 a.m.

images-1Editor’s Note: Jim Drake, husband of Yulee High School Principal Natasha Drake, has given us permission to post a copy of a letter Jim wrote to friends and family delivered through the social media site Facebook. Although the Fernandina Observer has not covered the story concerning the Yulee High School “God Bless America” incident, the story has attracted much media attention. Jim provides our readers with his summary of the situation and another viewpoint. A Florida resident for 37 years, Jim has lived in Nassau County for 16 years. We thank Jim for sharing his letter with our readers.

His letter follows:

“Friends and Family, As most of you may or may not know, my wife is the principal of Yulee High School, the school in the media this week of “disciplining” a student for saying God Bless You. I think you all should know the account of how this firestorm came to be.

mic01The Yulee High School student who was assigned the task of reading the school announcements did use the phrase “God Bless America.” In his closings, which in and of itself MOST of us would agree is inoffensive and innocuous. Not a big deal at all. Agreed.

However two atheist students did find offense with this, and instead of contacting the principal directly, decided to file their grievances with the Appignani Humanist Legal Center (AHLC). On Feb.9th the school was contacted by the AHLC. My wife advised the School Board of this contact and forwarded the documents to them. She was then given direction by the School Board to 1) respond politely and professionally to the AHLC (Which she did,…you can read any and all of these documents I’ve mentioned on the Fox News website) and 2) to advise the student who made the statement that, because the morning announcements are technically a method of the School Administration to convey information to the entire school that they must not include any mention of religion. From all accounts (including the student who performed the announcements) it was well received and completely non-adversarial. It was a conversation, not a disciplinary hearing.

Unfortunately within minutes of receiving my wife’s correspondence, the AHLC posted a copy of it to their website, a blatant propaganda ploy, claiming “Victory” for whatever their agenda is. (my quotes, not theirs) but it kind of makes you feel like the their end goal wasn’t just the well being of the offended students. No?

It is an assumption on my part, but a safe one I believe that Mr. Starnes (Fox News writer who wrote the original opinion article) caught wind of this situation because of this posting by the AHLC. I would think that a right wing news organization would keep a watchful eye on left wing organizations like these. Its good for business……a “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” type of thing if you will. Regardless of the accuracy of my assumption, I do know that the student who made the announcements was not the whistle blower. I’ve been told he didn’t even find out about the article until long after the story was posted online.

In typical media fashion Mr Starnes made a handful of phone-calls to the school and the school board, carefully chose the comments that best served HIS agenda and had his full article written in just a few hours. Please keep in mind that since it was an opinion piece, he’s free to lace it with as much sarcasm and snarky remarks as he feels and because of the Fox News label at the top of the page, it’s unfortunately digested by most as factual news.

imagesWhat I want most to take away from this is that this whole situation is being sensationalized and propagandized by both sides of the political spectrum. There is enough blame and shame to be shared here and none of it belongs to the school administration, the school board or the involved students.

One of the parts that Mr. Starnes left out of his article was that he was told by the School Board representative he interviewed that the Nassau County School Board (NCSB) does not have a problem with the phrase “God Bless America” but that they must abide by the guidance of the U.S. Department of Education. Should a student wish to say “God Bless America” in the halls or courtyards of the schools, speak with others about their faith, or even pray before a test or meal, they are completely and constitutionally allowed to. In this situation, it was simply in the context of the announcements themselves being a school-wide communication tool from admin to the students. That’s it. My wife did her job. Neither she nor her superiors created the laws but they are expected to enforce them. Yet Mr. Starnes sadly has the power to spin things however he sees fit to promote his agenda and satisfy his audience.

As a result of this propaganda (and if I wasn’t clear before let me say again that BOTH sides are guilty of propagandizing this situation, I BLAME BOTH.) she has received hate-mail from across the country over the last 48 hours, even one just this afternoon that was vaguely threatening, all stemming from the irresponsible actions of what Ive since deemed are basically a group of Leftist trial lawyers just trying to find billable minutes and a Righty news agency just doing what it does best to pander to its demographic.

It might be well worth noting that one of the students who initiated the grievance with the AHLC, contacted my wife today, apologizing and saying that if they’d have known what their claim would have resulted in, that they would have handled it directly with her. I tell you that my wife’s actions would have been the same, the student who made the announcement would have obliged her request to stick to the script when speaking for the administration, and the other two students would have their rights upheld and intact. What we wouldn’t have is the sensationalized circus atmosphere created by people who don’t live here and know nothing about us.

Please, please, please, the next time you turn on the news or pick up a paper, be mindful. If you see a story about a tragic traffic accident, that’s really a simple issue, there is only one reaction to have and that is sadness. But when you see a story of this type, consider the source. Consider the motives. Consider the high possibility that none of the entities feeding you this information really have your best interest at heart.

My sincere “Thank you” to all who have voiced your support. That’s my 2 cents.

God Bless America. God Bless Yulee High School. God Bless You.”

James A. Drake.


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Anne Oman
Anne Oman (@guest_28457)
9 years ago

The Yulee principal obviously handled the situation correctly, and the offended students could have saved a lot of brouhaha by taking their grievance to her first. The one thing I take umbrage at in Mr. Drake’s letter is the phrase “in typical media fashion.” Please don’t tar all of the media with the Fox News brush. Most of us, and certainly the Fernandina Observer, strive to be fair, balanced and accurate.

Jim Drake
Jim Drake (@guest_28715)
9 years ago
Reply to  Anne Oman

Well received Anne. Thank you. I totally agree with your observance and know without a doubt that there are plenty of good media members as you mentioned, whose intentions are pure. I appreciate the efforts of any who that label may apply to. I do not necessarily regret my usage of it though ,because in hind-sight, it took more than a spoonful of self-restraint to keep from using stronger tones that night. I refrained from it as much as possible under the circumstances so that my point wasn’t misdirected or lost.

tony crawford
tony crawford (@guest_28483)
9 years ago

James, well said.
The good part about this is I am sure all of the students will be better individuals for having witnessed this farce. The news isn’t the truth in many cases, and this as you said reeks of sensationalism and self motive. The really sad part is so many will take the time to send hate mail as an answer to such a non issue. My hope would also be that the two students that caused this to become a national issue are treated with dignity and respect by others. Students are just that–students and we are charged with educating them.

Jim Drake
Jim Drake (@guest_28717)
9 years ago
Reply to  tony crawford

Thank you Tony. I’ve heard it on many occasions from my wife, even before this event, that it is top priority to make sure all students regardless of who they are or what they believe, are provided a safe and nurturing learning environment. I know that she wouldn’t allow that to be lost even through all of this.

Debora Bettis
Debora Bettis (@guest_28866)
9 years ago

Thank you sir, for your well thought out words….although I am not a resident of Yulee, or the surrounding area, the report of how the national media types used this story to put their own “spin” on it, really resonated with me. To “stir up a hornet’s nest” is a questionable thing, at best. I could never, as a follower of Christ, endorse any type of behavior that encourages others to write “hate mail”, or issue threats to an individual who was doing her job. Whether I agree or not is not the issue…..and all students do deserve a safe, accepting environment as they learn and grow into tomorrow’s adults!