Elvis is alive and well – An opinion

Submitted by Tony Crawford
January 11, 2017 3:35 p.m.

Did you know Elvis is alive and well? He is playing Creaser’s Palace with Michael
Jackson. I know this is true as Dick Clark is hosting the show. How do I know this
is fact? I just read it on Facebook.

My point is simple: just because you read it on social media, it doesn’t make it
true. In fact, as adults who are old enough and capable enough to dress ourselves in
the morning, we should be intelligent enough to have already known this. Do we?

I have read much lately on various forms of social media with respect to the closing
of Center Street, the opening of Alachua Street and the new hotel that is going in
Downtown. Much of it is opinion based on opinion and not the facts,

Some of the facts are rather obvious. The rail crossing at Center Street is a
classic example of an Accident Waiting To Happen. Rail accidents don’t require a
band aid; they require a casket, usually followed by a lawsuit. This is nothing
more than a nightmare with regard to public safety. In dealing with such issues, it
is much better to be proactive as opposed to reactive. Doing so simply saves lives.

The City is still only gathering information with respect to what can be done with
the rail issue as well as the opening of Alachua and the closing of Center Street.
The Railroad understands all too well the safety issues at hand and wants to work in
conjunction with the City to improve them with the intention of helping gain
financing for the project. This concept will include the closing of Center from 2nd
to Front Street. Many think this is the beginning of the end of the world. If you
think about it, the City closes this portion of Center for many festivals, as well
as first Friday celebrations, and the world has yet to end. The closing of Center
and the diversion of traffic could bring a tremendous benefit to downtown business.
The fact is, the more people walk past stores they more they will go in and spend

As much as we all would like Fernandina to never change, the reality is it is always
changing. How we manage that change will determine the quality of life that we will
experience in the future. Change is not always bad.

The future plans for a new hotel in that area have also been the subject of discussions
with the printing of the conceptual design. The picture of this hotel is not the
real picture of the final product. It is simply the conceptual drawing. We have to
keep in mind that this project falls under the requirements of both the CRA as well
as the Historic District Council’s scrutiny.

I think we as a City have to decide if we want this section of town to look like the
present dump that it is or do we want to make the needed improvements to make it
another part of our City that we all can be proud of and want to show off to our

I would encourage all who can to call or E Mail the Commissioners, find out the
facts and get involved. Remember, once the vote has been taken, you have no reason
or right to complain if you weren’t part of the conversation.