“Big Bun” visits Amelia Island

Submitted by Karen Thompson
Features Reporter

February 20, 2016 7:41 a.m.

Fernandina Observer Features Reporter Karen Thompson (R) stands with her niece in front of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.

The neighbors on Chad Street in Fernandina Beach had a big surprise when they looked outside yesterday. There, in my driveway was the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. My niece, a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin, is one of 12 “hot doggers” that travel the roads of the USA for one year as goodwill ambassadors for the Madison-based company. She stopped in to say hi. I got to ride around the island and downtown. It was “buns” of fun. This traveling advertisement brings a smile to every face and a camera phone to every hand. Keep your eyes open. It might be around the area for a couple days. Word has it, the Planter’s Peanut, driven by the “nutters” might be around too.

Karen Thompson 2Editor’s Note: Karen moved to Fernandina Beach five years ago after working in Chicago as a senior public relations specialist for the Midwestern regional office of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Prior to that, she was an editor, columnist and writer for a chain of Chicago newspapers , an account executive for several Chicago public relations agencies and proprietor of her own pr/marketing business. She grew up and earned her journalism degree in Wisconsin.

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Jana (@guest_46796)
8 years ago

Very cool. I would love to show my 4 year old. Where could we see it if it is “around”?

gerry clare
gerry clare(@gerrycclaregmail-com)
8 years ago

Cool…have seen it around and in the past. Now thatvs a fun job.