August “Spotlight on Nassau Gardens”

Press release
Master Gardeners
Bea Walker, Media Coordinator
UF/IFAS Nassau Extension​
Photos by Elizabeth Wilkes
September 4, 2017 1:00 a.m.


Gail and Herb Ferguson

Gail and Herb Ferguson came to their home on Amelia Island 8 years ago and have enjoyed it very much. Their neighbor next door said, “They are great neighbors and they love gardening.”

Ferguson Gardens
Photos Courtesy of Elizabeth Wilkes

The beautiful Magnolia in their front yard was planted by the previous owners but the Fergusons have enjoyed seeing it get bigger and bigger. All around their home are many lovely plants and flowers they planted themselves and fertilize regularly. There is a new large orange tree, a medium-sized lemon tree and a small lime tree. The flowers on these citrus fill the air with a sweet citrus aroma. Under the shade of the beautiful rose-colored blooming oleander are yellow daylilies and purple penta plants, which attract numerous bees and butterflies.

The Fergusons also grow numerous African Irises with white blossoms and purple throats. The four small camellia bushes are especially precious to them as they came from Mr. Ferguson’s grandmother’s garden. They love to go to nurseries to rescue sale plants. After buying them they enjoy “bringing them back to life” with tender loving care. The yellow hibiscus, Vietnamese gardenia, the thorn-less pinkish-red Mandarin and the seven small hydrangeas are some of the healthy plants they have rescued. What a wonderful way to enjoy learning about different flowering plants and enjoying their beauty!