Commentary: It’s Not the Alcohol, It’s Everything Else

By Suanne Thamm

Dear City Commissioners:

Please accept my sincere sympathy for the position that recent actions of our new city manager and police chief have placed you and our city in. This is a sad time for all of us who had shared your conclusion that Ty Ross would be a good city manager; indeed, that he was the best of the candidates forwarded to you by the Citizens Search Committee. Who could have anticipated that so shortly into his term his judgment, abilities and commitment to the city would come into question? Along with you, I thought he had the right stuff to succeed. Sadly, recent events have caused me to reconsider.

I know that there are a lot of theories floating around on the internet and in our coffee shops as to how this could have happened. But you are faced with the unenviable task of determining whether Ty Ross can succeed in our city going forward. Sadly, I fear the answer to that is no.

While many choose to focus on alcohol abuse as the cause of the problem, I disagree. I believe the problem is one of judgment. That the CM did not believe that he had an obligation to inform you of this incident until the media started poking around is a glaring example of bad judgment. And of course, another glaring example of bad judgment was his assessment that what happens during time away from work is nobody’s business. This character trait — poor judgment — has revealed itself in other cities in which Ty Ross has worked. I forwarded news articles to you earlier that support this view.

My assessment — for what it’s worth — is that Ty Ross has been overwhelmed by the complexities of our city. Like many people who move here thinking that as a small beach town life is easy, Ross made the mistake of thinking that city government would be nice and easy. He obviously did not do his homework in researching what makes Fernandina Beach tick. If he had, he might have understood that despite earning the highest salary ever paid to a city manager here, he would need to work fast and hard to keep up with all the demands on the city by residents, visitors, businesses and the city bureaucracy itself.

One of the things we discovered early on after moving here is that Fernandina is home to some of the most friendly and helpful folks you could hope to meet. But since the city is in the Bible Belt, many of these folks condemn or at least frown on drinking alcohol. The incident on Atlantic may have caused those people to wonder how “over drinking” even once in public by the highest-ranking city official can be excused or tolerated.

Another characteristic of Fernandina Beach citizens who follow local government is that they are not shy in expressing their opinions. Some have gone so far as to say that what might be characterized as “robust debate” in the public square is really more like gladiatorial face-offs in the Roman Coliseum. A quote: Politics in Fernandina is blood sport. Any person who hopes to survive in this arena must have an alligator hide and face controversy straight on. Hiding information or worse, lying about it, will only further erode confidence in government.

Fernandina Beach is a wonderful place, as we discovered when we moved here almost 30 years ago. Warts and all, I can’t think of a better place to live. And yet, when asked by the police whether he was a tourist or a resident, Ty Ross replied, “Unfortunately, I live here …”  How could our city manager, drunk or sober, say that? That comment was a slap in the face to all of us who love this city.

I have gone on way too long. But I wanted you to know that I believe the time to part ways with Ty Ross is upon us — before he buys a house and moves his family here. I’m sure that he and the FBCC can reach an amicable agreement which allows both him and the city to move on. The separation should be free of accusations and blame. Rather it was just a poor fit for him and the city.

Thank you for reading this, if you have gotten this far!

Editor’s note: This is too important for what I call hip-shot reader comments. If you can take the time to compose a thoughtful, brief essay on this issue — from any point of view — we’d like to hear from you. — Mike Phillips


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Noble Member
[email protected](@angeldoccie2003yahoo-com)
5 months ago

While I agree with most of the content of this letter, there may be a bit more to it. Depression, loneliness, overwhelmed……..all of which temporarily washed away by alcohol. While alcohol is not a bad thing, if used as a “get-away” it causes issues also.

Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
5 months ago

Lots of good points in this essay, but I think she might have misread Mr. Ross when he said that unfortunately, he lives here. I think he might’ve meant not that he regretted living here, but rather that the fact that he does live here, and as city manager, that this incident is going to cause a lot of problems.

Noble Member
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark Tomes

I agree with you….. that’s how I read it as well. He knew he’d messed up. so unfortunate

Mike Collins
Active Member
Mike Collins(@mike-collins)
5 months ago

Let’s cut the man some slack. He didn’t drive a car and he didn’t hurt anyone. Hardly Murder One. How about the worry-warts stop their pearl-clutching and give the guy a break?

Noble Member
5 months ago
Reply to  Mike Collins

I can cut the guy some slack and excuse his over drinking behavior and not judge the act. Many of us have overindulged at one time or another. The difference is we are not in a leadership position being the CEO of our City. As the article describes, it’s more the lack of judgment.
I too agree, his “unfortunately” comment was made from the perspective of this isn’t gonna look good down the road. I don’t believe it was disparaging towards the residents of FB.
Then there’s the withholding the incident from, well, anybody. Let alone his supervisors. In a leadership role, especially CEO of the City, it should be easy to draw that distinction of what to do. That’s why he was hired, to make critical judgment decisions regarding the management of our City.
There’s much more detail to analyze, but that can take us into the weeds.
I’ve read comments where people calling for his resignation are described as mean. Maybe it was perceived to have been expressed in a mean way. But the act of calling for the accountability of one’s actions, is not mean. It’s business.
Once we separate fact and emotion, the facts lead us down a path, that for the sake of the city’s health, it’s time to move on and start over.
I don’t envy our City Commissioners. Not because this is a difficult decision, it’s really not. But more because it’s just plain uncomfortable and awkward. Personnel issues always are. Whatever decision they make, I hope it’s with the best interest of our City at heart so we can move on. Move on to continue solving the many issues facing our wonderful community.

Keith J Robbins
Keith J Robbins(@keith-j-robbins)
5 months ago

Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.

Active Member
5 months ago

Ty Ross served 7 years as city manager of Loudon, TN.
Loudon Mayor Jeff Harris praised him, saying “he did everything he said he would do and more, the city is a better place because of his work.”
Now that length of tenure and accolade says something about the man.
People should not be so hasty to condemn–maybe cool it a bit.

Trusted Member
5 months ago

Many good points here, but expecting Mr. Ross to self-report his bicycling accident before the press reported it is ridiculous (“failing to inform”). Presuming that the complexities of our city have overwhelmed Mr. Ross is wrong. It was up to the screeners and interviewers to make the complexities and responsibilities clear, which I presume they did. I don’t know Mr. Ross, but it is possible that his “Unfortunately, I live here… ” comment was made in the context of “Oh no a cop found me drunk on a sidewalk with my bike.” After all the time and money spent to screen and hire Mr. Ross, I think we should focus more on his business results, or lack thereof.

Douglas M
Noble Member
Douglas M(@douglasm)
5 months ago

Two things have bothered me since this came to light……what prompted the request for the incident from the police? He wasn’t arrested, so the normal channel would not exist for disclosure. Somebody had to leak this info.

Second…..I’m having trouble believing our knew Chief didn’t cover himself and make a call to someone in City Hall to give them a heads up. His position is “political” in many respects. I’m sure he was smart enough to see this could get out eventually, and being in the position of where “The buck stops” is not a good place to be when that occurs….

Jason Collins
Noble Member
Jason Collins(@jc18holes)
5 months ago

It’s a very tough call for these City Commissioners on whether or not to fire the City Manager. We saw what happened recently when a County Commissioner got a dui and was voted out. I would suggest the Commissioners need to review again WHY he was chosen as the “best man for the job” and if those qualities still outweigh the expense of a new search and replacement. The Commissioners know Mr. Ross better than any of us so it’s truly their call to make. IF they give Mr. Ross a second chance and keep him in place I would hope they would establish “ground rules” moving forward to make sure he is never found in such a state of weakness ever again while employed for the City of Fernandina. The incident is an embarrassment for the City and it’s residence and of course Mr Ross himself but is it enough to get rid of him? I think only the people who know and work with him can make that call.

Betsie Huben
Noble Member
Betsie Huben(@betsie-huben)
5 months ago

As is so often the case, Suanne Thamm gets to the core of the matter very quickly. “I believe the problem is one of judgment… This character trait — poor judgment — has revealed itself in other cities in which Ty Ross has worked. I forwarded news articles to you earlier that support this view.” While we are a small town, we do seem to have a fair number of big issues that need to be dealt with, often simultaneously. How is poor judgement going to help citizens in the event of a major storm or other issue?

Noble Member
5 months ago

I don’t want to see my city/county leaders …. people I voted for and trust to lead my government… Stumbling out of a bar three sheets to the wind. You are held to a higher standard.

The fact that he thought it was a good idea to get drunk in public was just a poor decision.

Then he compounds the problem by not telling his superiors. Another poor decision.

I would cut the guy some slack and see if he learns from his mistakes. Put him on a 6-month double secret probation.

5 months ago

It’s troubling that Ross did not hold himself to the same standard that he held a Loudon police officer to earlier this year:

“I am aware that one of our police officers, Ben Everett, was cited for suspicion of driving under the influence last weekend in Monroe County. I take this matter very seriously and I am committed to holding our officers to the highest standard of conduct. The officer has been placed on administrative leave. Our officers are expected to uphold the law and to serve as role models for our community. When an officer is accused of violating the law, it erodes public trust and undermines our ability to keep our community safe. The legal process will run its course as it would for any citizen. I want to thank the citizens of Loudon for their patience and understanding as we work through this matter.”

Trusted Member
5 months ago

I don’t always agree with the author, but in this instance she is spot on.

5 months ago

It’s easy to make judgements and assumptions when you don’t know the individual.  
I am a Loudon City resident and have known Ty Ross for over 7 years. He is a dedicated and professional city manager and has always operated with integrity. I feel confident in stating that Ty is one of the best managers out there. He has many supporters and cheerleaders including our mayor, city council members, and citizens that he proudly served for many years in both Loudon and Dalton. 
Did he have one too many drinks, fall off his bike on a weekend? Yes…  No one disputes that mistake. Would you want your mistake broadcasted on the news? Regardless of your job choice, we are all human beings first. This has been a strange witch hunt that wreaks of excessive defamation for what purpose? 
Ty is a humble leader that shows vulnerability and has accepted his mistake. No one is perfect, and I would hate to think that anyone would expect a leader to be! The stress of a city manager position is something I would never want to know. Is the level of vengeance coming from some sanctimonious naysayers warranted because he wrecked his bike??? 
What I know is this, Ty is a wonderful human being, kind, professional, a great communicator, and has always had the best interest of the city.  His name is being tarnished and he is depicted as being something that he simply is not.  I urge you to get to know Ty as a person (keeping in mind that he is a fallible human being just like the rest of us!!) let him continue do his job as city manager, and show some grace!