Amelia Island revealed . . .

Video courtesy of Bailey Struss
April 27, 2014 1:00 a.m.


Editor’s Note: Bailey Struss lives on Amelia island and is a 6th generational Fernandina native. He is a nature enthusiast and spends much of his spare time observing, and photographing local wildlife. He has also been involved in many local environmental conservation causes. We thank Bailey for his contribution to the Fernandina Observer.


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Priscilla Footlik
Priscilla Footlik(@pris72gmail-com)
9 years ago


Beth (@guest_19087)
9 years ago


Peggy Bulger
Peggy Bulger(@peggy-bulger1949gmail-com)
9 years ago

This made my morning!! Great video — and I loved the rascal squirrel getting his own from the birdfeeder . . . .

Candace Bridgewater
Candace Bridgewater (@guest_19144)
9 years ago

Wonder why these lovely birds come to this yard? Look at the background to see all the wildflowers and native grasses (weeds to many) filled with seed heads and natural perching spots. It’s not just what’s in your bird feeder, it’s where it stands that counts.

Libby and Clyde Wilkes
Libby and Clyde Wilkes (@guest_19145)
9 years ago

Gorgeous and fun to watch also…

Bailey Struss
Bailey Struss (@guest_19146)
9 years ago

Thanks for the kind comments. You got it Candace. Our yard is kept very natural and we allow wildflowers to grow through much of the lawn, and just mow paths through them as needed. We also leave a lot of brush cover around. The over manicuring and chemical use of modern properties, is definitely not in the interest of wildlife.