Amelia Island revealed . . .

Submitted by Anne Sparkle
November 6, 2016 5:41 a.m.

“Hurricane Matthew Driftwood” Photo courtesy of Annie Sparkle

Editor’s Note: Annie Sparkle and her husband Warren came to Fernandina Beach 5 and a half years ago. As a former resident of Chicago. she retired as an evidence manager at a Crime Lab in suburban Chicago. Since her arrival to Fernandina, she has volunteered for 3 years as chair of the Friends of the Library Book Sale raising tens of thousands of dollars for the library.

After taking a break from the book sale, she is now enjoying running on Main Beach, the Greenway, swimming laps at what she described as “our great Recreation Center pool.” After Annie finishes working for her favorite political candidates and encouraging people to vote, she will scout around for new volunteer projects.

Photographers can submit their photos to [email protected] Fernandina Observer Incorporated is committed to protecting the copyright and intellectual property of others. Content provided to the Fernandina Observer must be content that does not violate copyright or intellectual property of others.

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Carol Lee Adams
Carol Lee Adams (@guest_48119)
7 years ago

Super Pic!!! So glad you shared this with us, it has been a lot of fun!!