Vice Mayor lists goals for January 24 FBCC Goal Setting & Visioning Session


Submitted by Len Kreger

Vice Mayor, City of Fernandina Beach

January 1, 2018 6:26 p.m.

Editor's note:  The Fernandina Beach City Commission will meet on January 24, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the City Golf Course Clubhouse for its annual Goal Setting and Visioning session.    The meeting is open to the public.

Vice Mayor Len Kreger

With the upcoming City Commission Goal Setting and Visioning scheduled for 24 January 2018 I thought it appropriate I identify my goals along with seeking public input.

It is important to point out that Commission Goals are only one aspect of governing the City. A major element to effective governance is the operations of the City as outlined in the appropriate documents and ordinances, (i.e. City Charter, Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and Ordinances). As example, compliance with the Comprehensive Plan cannot be a Commission Goal, but rather is a requirement. Additionally maintaining appropriate and required Levels of Service are required.

Below are my recommended goals listed by priority.

1. Complete Comprehensive planning and initiate the Downtown Waterfront project.

2. Review Density for the Central Business District and 8th Street.

3. Establish an “Adoptive Planning Area” in the Comprehensive Plan.

4. Review and update City Purchasing Procedures to provide for effective purchasing of services and methods of construction delivery.

5. Review and update City staffing and department organization with a goal of increasing cost effective efficiency.

6. Review City/County Mutual Agreements.

7. Implement a Conservation Land Purchasing Program.

8. Initiate a review and update as required Emergency and Disaster Plans.

9. Improve intergovernmental coordination with the County, School District, OH&PA, State and Federal Agencies.

10. Improve efforts to provide Affordable Housing.

Citizen comments and recommendations are encouraged. My phone number is 904 432 8389 and my e-mail [email protected].

Len Kreger

Fernandina Beach Vice Mayor