Now Comes Cleanup Time

hurricane clean up fernandina beach Photo by city street crew leader Jimmy Graham

The aftermath of Hurricane Ian

This photo, taken yesterday by city street crew leader Jimmy Graham, is just the beginning. You will recognize it as the historic Lesesne House on Centre Street. One of the stately trees in the home’s front hard fell in the night and crushed a piece of the home’s picket fence. It is an icon damaged but repairable.

That might be the metaphor for all of Nassau County this Friday, Sept. 30. We dodged extensive hurricane damage, but we do have work to do before everything is set right.

So I ask our readers, as you stir outside to look around: If you take a compelling photo that illustrates post-Ian, please email it to me at [email protected]. And if you have an observation or small tale you’d like people to read, send that to the same address. Just please include your name and email address and, in the case of a photo, be sure to send the location.

This is our communal chance in Nassau County to record a piece of history. It will be shared to all and will remain in the Observer's archives. And thanks for your consideration.

Mike Phillips

Observer Editor