Nassau County Council on Aging
Press Release
Submitted by Liz Dunn
April 6, 2022
What you need to know…Senior Scams, Frauds & Hacks
Seniors 60 and over are often the target of cyber criminals. Why? They are usually financially secure, may experience memory issues and tend to be more trusting. This may be hard to hear, but it is very true. According to AARP, scams that started on Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites doubled year over year in 2021, leading to $770 million in consumer losses.
Join our first roundtable discussion on Tuesday, April 12, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Janice Ancrum Senior Life Center, 1901 Island Walk Way, Fernandina Beach, as we share information on senior scams, frauds and hacks, and discuss how to detect, prevent and remedy them. Our roundtables continue on Tuesday, May 10 and Tuesday, June 14.
Each class is free to members, $5 for non-members. For registration, membership and payment information, visit or contact our Receptionist at 904-261-0701. These roundtable sessions are sponsored by NCCOA’s Advisory Council.