Beware: Officials Warn of a Realistic Phone Scam


The Nassau County Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Comptroller have issued this warning of a phone scam:

“Across the state, there has been a recent increase in telephone scams regarding court dates and jury duty—including right here in Nassau County.

“The scammers have been impersonating law enforcement officers, judges, and clerks---demanding payment for missed court dates or jury duty. The scammers seem legitimate. They have citizen’s correct names and addresses. They give realistic-sounding case numbers. They often use the names of actual judges or officers to sound even more convincing. Sometimes they are even spoofing the correct phone number of the sheriff’s office or the courthouse.

“They are threatening citizens with imminent arrest if a fee is not paid immediately. They instruct the citizen to stay on the phone with them while they make a payment at a secondary location—most often a retail store where a money transfer can be made.

“Please be aware that law enforcement officers, judges, and clerk employees will not call anyone to demand payment for any fines or fees. Law enforcement officers, judges, and clerk employees will not call anyone to tell them they have an arrest warrant. Law enforcement officers, judges, and clerk employees will not ask you to make a payment at a secondary location. Please do not make a payment to these thieves.

“If you receive such a call, hang up the phone. If you are at all unsure that the call may be legitimate, hang up and call the Sheriff’s office (904-548-4009) or the Clerk’s office (904-548-4600) to inquire.

“Please pass along the warning to those around you—especially to those within vulnerable populations.  Stay safe."