ai farming

For all the attention on flashy new artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, the challenges of regulating AI, and doomsday scenarios of superintelligent machines, AI is a useful tool in many fields. In fact, it has enormous potential to benefit humanity. …
Joe Hollis, Iowa State University, The Conversation
Monday, January 1
Read more.
Agriculture podcasts & video

Latest tricks and strategies

If you’re looking to build a profitable farm that works, The Thriving Farmer Podcast is for you. Learn the latest tricks and strategies from …

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Day in the Life of a Small Farm

Day in the Life of a Small Farm

Gold Shaw Farm in Peacham, Vt.  is more of a farm-in-progress than an honest-to-goodness farm. We dream that someday we can transform our 150+ acre parcel of land into a regenerative and …

Monday, November 27, 2023

A Beginners Perspective on Regenerative Agriculture

This is a vlog about our struggles and joys of living off the grid in the forests of Jämtland, Sweden.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Wheat Harvest at Crossroad Farms in Indiana

In this action packed video I am out at Crossroad Farms in west central Indiana as they harvest their 2022 wheat crop, bale and move straw, work up the harvested wheat field and plant soybeans. Its a …

Mike Less - Farmhand Mike
Thursday, September 8, 2022