City Main Beach Marquee goes commercial?

By Susan Hardee Steger
April 25, 2019 3:00 p.m.

A city marquee located at Main Beach in Fernandina Beach shows a Slider’s “Slammer Time Music Party Every Night” and a Putt Putt ad painted below.

A City of Fernandina Beach’s marquee located at Main Beach, has gone commercial. Perhaps the transition from only advertising city and nonprofit events to allowing business advertisements as well took place months or even years ago.  But the recent display of an event at Slider’s caught our attention.

The Fernandina Observer asked Parks & Recreation Director Nan Voit if the city had a policy regarding the use of its marquees. “Anyone can advertise on our signs as long as the sign is available for use and they pay a fee,” said Voit.

When asked when the marquee was allowed to “go commercial,” Vott said, “This is the first time that I can recall a local business renting a marquee.  Anyone can rent the sign. Commercial, private, non-profit. Just like our facility rentals.”

The cost for a business to advertise or for a nonprofit to promote an event in in the high visibility area of Main Beach is $10 a day.


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Chris Hadden
Chris Hadden (@guest_54924)
4 years ago

I noticed it this morning and thought it was odd. That price is a bargain. Must be a time limit otherwise as a business you would simply rent it all year.

Susan H Steger
Susan H Steger(@sstegercomcast-net)
4 years ago

” . . . As long as it is available. . .” I assume the city has first dibs.

Gerald Decker
Gerald Decker(@myfernandina)
4 years ago

Going “commercial” is not a bad thing….The City needs to encourage and promote (fairly and equally) local business where possible.

Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
4 years ago

Interesting on a number of fronts. $10/day is a very inexpensive price. Might consider a higher fee for a 1 – 2 day rental and a discount for a longer period given the time it will take for an employee to change out at the beginning and end. Concerns about opening up to language/events that are not community friendly as once this channel has been opened, it is available to everyone.