An islander’s thoughts on Paris

Submitted by Tony Crawford
November 17, 2015 8:00 p.m.

Having spent much time in Paris the events of this past week have been hard to watch. I know many of us from the Island share my love for this City. Many of us have been fortunate enough to either visit or live there.

ParisParis was once described to me by a friend who lives both in New York City as well as in Paris this way. She pointed out that New York was a Masculine City and Paris was a Feminine City. At the time I had no idea what she meant. Shortly after my first stay in Paris, I understood exactly what this lady meant.

Paris is a soft, gentle City. It is busy and bustling as is New York, but it has a soft stillness about it as no other City I have visited ever had. The locals are laid back, not rushed, and seem to enjoy each and every moment of the day. As a native New Yorker, I can safely say you could get trampled to death in NYC.

It was disturbing to all that Paris was the chosen target for this aggression. This sadly happens each and every day in countries that are just not newsworthy or it happens so often that it has just become routine. It could happen in any city of the world; no one is immune to this terror.

I have read much on social media where some are upset with the colored filters on home pages or suggesting Prayer won’t help the situation. Filters show support, and praying never hurts. I feel that all those on the Island who have both prayed and shown their support and sorrow should be thanked. In order to prevent attacks like this we look to our servicemen and women to make the sacrifices needed to protect us. That support, and those prayers not only are felt by the people of France, but also by those service men and women who we call on to right this very horrific wrong.

Editor’s Note: Tony Crawford moved to Fernandina Beach from New York fifteen years ago. He is a native New Yorker who enjoys spending time in Paris.

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Judy Harris
Judy Harris (@guest_45576)
8 years ago

Well said Tony, and beautiful photograph. It is so sad. I believe that prayer does help, and for most of us, that is all we can do.

Marlene Chapman
Marlene Chapman(@crew2120)
8 years ago

Tony, I agree with you 100%. Having enjoyed going to Paris many times, this was a very sad day for me, as for so many others. My immediate thought was to think of those who were killed or hurt, but it goes so much deeper than that. This is another step on a very difficult road for the world. How do we end this? What needs to be changed? What can the world do in the here and now to stop this? I certainly don’t have the answers, but the support and prayers that we send to Paris are welcomed, needed and much accepted.
If there were a magic wand, I wish that it be waved over the world to open everyone’s eyes to the drastic changes that need to come about! My idea may seem simplistic, but nothing else seems to be working…..

RaffaelaMarie Fenn
RaffaelaMarie Fenn (@guest_45602)
8 years ago

Beautifully expressed. I’m in full agreement with all your thoughts and sentiments, Tony. Heartfelt thanks for sharing your thoughts with our community.