Florida Department of Health September 20 report

Florida Department of Health
September 20, 2020

Editor’s Note: We are posting an abbreviated addition of the Coronavirus report. The Florida Department of Health reports 14 cases of Coronavirus in residents and non-residents in Nassau County. There are No additional deaths in Nassau County.

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Carol Stephens
Carol Stephens (@guest_58949)
3 years ago

I woul like that town consider allowing homesteading for owners That are in their property more than six months a year even if they do short term rentals. My reasoning is that it is Difficult to own a beach property with a high taxes required unless the property is rented part of the year to help cover the cost… Especially if one is retired. Thank you for the consideration in the future.

David Kramek
David Kramek (@guest_58951)
3 years ago

It would be more informative and helpful if you could also post the percentage of Positive cases, gender and she results.

David Kramek
David Kramek (@guest_58952)
3 years ago

Age results.