Walker? Cyclist? Here’s Your Chance to Be Heard

The new Citizens’ Task Force for Safe Walking and Biking in Fernandina Beach invites the public to attend its first community meeting April 17, 5-7 p.m., at the Peck Center auditorium.

Robert Companion, Nassau County Deputy Manager/County Engineer will provide an update on the extension of multi-use trails on Amelia Island, including South 14th Street.

The task force has created an online survey tool and a web page that citizens can use to provide input:



Some of the greatest concerns of walkers and cyclists are the roadways in the county portion of the island and those under state control. For example, Atlantic Avenue and South Fletcher Avenue.

Task force members believe the best way to get the state and the county to solve these problems is to have city and county commissions and staff work together to advocate at the state level.

The task force urges citizens to come to the April 17 meeting and the follow-up meeting on May 23 to make their voices heard.

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Carol Lee Adams
Carol Lee Adams(@carollee0123hotmail-com)
1 year ago

Thank you