A shout out to first responders and Baptist Nassau staff

Letter to the Editor
By Selena Smith

May 12, 2017 1:00 p.m.

This is a shout-out to our first responders and emergency medical staff at Nassau Baptist Hospital for their humor, compassion and care in an emergency situation. I was involved in a Vespa motor-scooter accident on South Fletcher Drive near Peters Point on Saturday of Easter Weekend, and was amazed at the random acts of kindness from complete strangers.

Within moments, at least two cars stopped to ask if I was okay and if they could call someone for me. In the second car were two young women, one of them was a nurse, and she and her friend called 911 and stayed with me until the EMTs arrived. I have always believed in the kindness of human nature, and it was truly exhibited by these good Samaritans, who gave their time to help me.

When the Fire/Rescue team arrived, one of the men said jokingly, “See the HOG threw ya,” and being a Harley rider myself we got a chuckle from this. Having this attitude lightened the mood for me in coping with the potentially serious situation. Fire/Rescue remained on hand and the paramedics followed suit in their attention to my medical care, being professional, gentle, kind, and compassionate.

“Scooter Girl’s” motorcycle hauled away after the accident.

Within a short time I was on my way to the hospital, where the ER staff were also busily assisting several auto accident patients. During the whole ER experience, I was affectionately referred to as “Scooter Girl.” Everyone involved, from doctors and nurses to X-ray technicians to housekeeping, showed me the true acts of human kindness through their chosen profession and their personal attention to my well-being.

As I was exiting my ER visit with a friend who came to pick me up, a sheriff’s deputy asked my friend, “How’s our Scooter Girl?” Just another example of someone exhibiting friendly concern.

Words cannot always express thoughts and feelings, but I am grateful and appreciative of the “kindness & generosity of strangers” – this is part of the wonderfulness of living in a small-town community—the personal attention, concern, and care that I received.

Forever grateful,
Selena Smith (AKA ‘Scooter Girl’)

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Nancy Dickson
Nancy Dickson(@nancyjackathenshotmail-com)
7 years ago

What a wonderful window into the caring folks of this community! With all the conflict in the news today, it’s reassuring to see that there is also cooperation and kindness alive here.
Glad you are ok!

Tim Lucey DO
Tim Lucey DO (@guest_48930)
7 years ago

What a great story of humanity…

Dave Lott
Dave Lott(@dave-l)
7 years ago

Scooter Girl, Glad that your injuries were minor. Thanks for sharing this story of compassion.

Nora Bruce
Nora Bruce(@rebrucecomcast-net)
7 years ago

Great story. Renews your faith in the human race!