Eight trees planted along Hickory Street

Keep Nassau Beautiful
Media Release from Dec 28, 2021
January 3, 2021

Some of the trees planted on Hickory Street.

On a cool and windy morning, eight trees were recently planted along Hickory Street as part of an effort to improve the greening of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County. Keep Nassau Beautiful (KNB) received a donation to plant the trees and partnered with the City of Fernandina Department of Planning and Conservation to identify a location. The Department had begun a project planting trees along Hickory Street to create a tree canopy adjacent to the Hickory St. Park. The donation from KNB completed the plan for the street trees along the Hickory Street Park and added street trees along the Fernandina Beach High School recreation fields.

Liberty Landscape Supply sourced and installed the trees. FB Certified Arborist David Neville, KNB Board Member Kelley McCarter, and KNB Executive Director Lynda Bell were present for the tree installation. Four live oak and four red maples were planted. All trees were 30-gallon size, fitted with water bags, and mulched with pine straw. The new trees will be maintained by FB Dept. of Planning and Conservation.

The trees act as new green infrastructure by improving stormwater impact, increasing the shade canopy, and reducing carbon dioxide. At maturity, the average tree absorbs 48 lbs. of carbon, but the true benefit of trees goes beyond carbon storage; trees provide environmental, economic, social, and human health benefits. “KNB appreciates the donors and community partners who provide funds to make tree planting possible,” said Lynda Bell, Executive Director KNB.

To get involved or learn more about KNB programs, 904-261-0165 or [email protected]

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John Goshco
John Goshco (@guest_63489)
2 years ago

Hopefully the trees won’t interfere with the power lines going to the light poles. Maybe they can be moved underground? [ The power lines, not the trees. 🙂 ]

Margo Story
Margo Story (@guest_63491)
2 years ago

Thank you to the city & KNB…….job well done!!

Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
2 years ago

KNB, with the help of Liberty Landscaping, has done such great work to plant trees on our island. Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
2 years ago

Yes, Mr. Goshco, it would be great to have powerlines underground! Talk about beautifying the island, that’s one of the first things that would help.