Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude this Holiday or New Year!



Media Release
December 24, 2021


We all could use a little more positivity and encouragement, especially when starting something new. Below are quick and easy ways you can jump-start your journey to becoming Healthy for Good. Don’t forget to post your progress on social media so we can cheer you on!

  • Kick off the day by writing down a hobby or special interest you’ve picked up this year & celebrate how far you’ve come. You deserve it.
  • Find three things you love about yourself & write them down. Then stand in front of a mirror & read them out loud. Feels pretty good to love yourself, doesn’t it?
  • Beauty can be found in the most unlikely places. So today, stop, look around & capture a mental (or actual) snapshot of the beauty you see.
  • If something frustrates you today, hit your pause button. Take a breath & reframe the moment by focusing on what IS going your way. A little positivity goes a long way.
  • When’s the last time you celebrated all the amazing things your body can do? Take two minutes to really think about it, then store those happy thoughts for a rainy day.
  • Start your day with a smile, even with an early phone alarm by renaming it something like “I will live fierce today.” Nothing but positive vibes all day.
  • We all have flaws – we’re human. Focus on one thing about yourself that to you is less than perfect. Then write a little love note about it. Because #selflove heals the soul.
  • Food is its own love language, so today think of someone whose cooking warms your soul. Then tell them how grateful you are for sharing that gift with you.
  • Reach out and express a little extra appreciation to someone. Be specific & intentional with your love – you just might make their day.
  • Think of someone who has cheered you up during the pandemic. Write them a note or send a funny text. Who doesn’t love a good meme?
  • The past year has been hard. So today, focus on someone who might really be struggling. Offer to pick up groceries or call a loved one just to check in.
  • Read a good book recently? Pass it on to a friend or loved one — or even a movie for nonreaders.
  • Send virtual hugs to someone you appreciate & promise to deliver it in person once it’s safe!
  • Keep a food journal today & instead of judging any of it as “good” or “bad,” be grateful for every bite.
  • Volunteering is good for the soul. Find two ways you can give back while staying at home.
  • Text someone & share three reasons you’re grateful for them.
  • During one meal today, put your fork down in between each bite. Slow down & savor the flavor!
  • Invite someone to a future dinner in a post-pandemic world. Send a calendar invite to make it official.
  • Stop for a second before a meal today. Soak up the smells, enjoy the moment & be grateful for whoever prepared it (especially if it was you)!
  • Everyone has ‘off’ days. Think of three quick things you’re grateful for and repeat them to yourself when you’re feeling blue.
  • Today, hit pause for a few minutes to reflect & write about how you feel after participating in this challenge. Reflect and learn – it’s the only way to grow!