Protect your boat and crew this right whale calving season

Media Release
December 4, 2021


If you plan to boat or fish in the Atlantic Ocean this winter, be on the lookout for North Atlantic Right Whales who are calving in state and federal waters off Florida, Georgia and South Carolina from November through April. These endangered mammals are extremely hard to spot and collisions have caused costly damage to boats, put passengers and crew at risk, and injured and killed right whales. With fewer than 350 left, right whales are one of the world’s most endangered large whale species. 

Protect your boat and crew by doing the following:

  • Go slow, which could give you time to react. 
  • Post a lookout! Watch for black objects, whitewater and splashes. 
  • Avoid boating in the dark, when visibility is poor, or in rough seas. 
  • Use the Whale Alert app to know if whales have recently been sighted or reported in your area. 
  • Check for signage at your local boat ramp or marina as a reminder of what to look for and how to identify and report right whale sightings.
  • If a whale is spotted, slow down, operate at slow speed or put your engine in neutral if possible. Assess the scene and slowly leave the area while keeping watch. Never pursue or follow a whale and keep at least 500 yards from right whales (it’s the law). 
  • Report whale sightings and collisions immediately to the U.S. Coast Guard on marine VHF Ch. 16 or call 1-877-WHALE-HELP (942-5343).

Learn more about what you can do to prevent right whale collisions at by clicking “Wildlife.”

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Lisa Timm
Lisa Timm (@guest_63294)
2 years ago

If you are interested in a new initiative to alert Boaters to our Right Whale “Season” here in Amelia Island please join us this Saturday at Dee Dee Bartels Boat ramp for a Whale Ambassadors Gathering!!

Join with your fellow right whale enthusiasts for 

Whale Tail gingerbread cookies and hot cider!

Saturday, December 11 @ 3pm

at Dee Dee Bartels boat ramp Pavillion.

1) We’ll have details of the Right Whale Spotter Training Zoom meeting on December 13 You’ll learn how to spot right whales from our beaches, and how to qualify for our Alert Network. ( so you can be notified when Whales may be able to be seen from the beach!)

2) Learn about and become involved with our new initiative to inform recreational boaters about on-the-water cautions during right whale season.

3) Join a letter-writing campaign in support of rope-less fishing and some fishing ground closures to prevent heartbreaking whale entanglements.

4) Discuss future ideas to help right whale conservation. 


Right Whale Spotter Training

Learn how to spot right whales from our beaches, and how to qualify for our Alert Network. ( & to be notified when Whales may be able to be seen from the beach!)  

Zoom meeting on December 13  

For more information…

Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors Facebook page 

[email protected]