Florida Department of Health April 19 – Nassau County Coronavirus Daily total is 13

Florida Department of Health

April 19, 2021

Nassau County Emergency Management:

Nassau County CoViD-19 cases have been stable recently, but new strains are becoming more prevalent and younger people are getting ill, so don’t let your guard down.
Keep following the Surgeon General’s advice to break the cycle of disease transmission –
1) get tested if you are exposed to a CoViD case or are having any symptoms,
2) if exposed or sick, stay home until you know you aren’t infectious to others,
3) be diligent with hand-washing and keeping touched surfaces clean
4) avoid close contact with anyone who doesn’t live with you (even work-mates)
5) wear a face-covering if you might be in any crowded spaces where close contact can’t be avoided – this Coronavirus is spread through peoples breath!
6) get fully vaccinated.
Appointments for vaccines are available through Friday at 7 pm – go to www.OneNassau.com/covid-19-vaccine-appointments/