Would you wear a face mask?

By Stephan R. Leimberg
October 29, 2020

Editor’s Note:  As Steve Leimberg was fine tuning his photographs from Tanzania, he sent us this photo and asked  to have our readers visualize the flies as the Coronavirus trying to infect us all.  Once you grasp the imagery, ask yourself, “Would you wear a face mask?”

A COVID-19 illustration to wear a mask and “protect yourselves and others.” Photo courtesy of Stephen R. Leimberg


Steve Leimberg provided us with information on two reports regarding mask to share with our readers.

One is an alarming report in the Journal Nature Medicine which said, “If mask wearing is 49% through Feb (what Americans are doing now), and states continue with removing social distancing mandates, the Covid-19 death toll across the United States could reach about 1 million deaths by Feb. 28th.”

Another report from CNN  which shows the benefit of mask wearing said  a recent modeling study suggests, “If 95% of Americans wore masks in public, more than 100,000 lives could be saved from Covid-19 through February . . .”

The State of Florida is approaching a milestone of 800,000 cases of Coronavirus, and the number of new daily cases are rising in the state.  Today’s data shows 5,444 cases.




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Tom Smith
Tom Smith(@tom-s)
3 years ago

I don’t know why Steve continues to flog us with his opinion of two unreliable sources. We know the difference when being lied to.

Mark Tomes
Active Member
Mark Tomes(@mtomes)
3 years ago

One can quibble with the numbers, but the facts and experiences all over the world show that wearing masks greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Not wearing masks and not following other CDC guidelines is why most states in the U.S., as well as many other countries, are seeing increased rates of positive diagnosis of COVID-19.

bob carter
bob carter (@guest_59352)
3 years ago

Sure, I wear a mask. Not a big deal to me, but these stats are nonsense.

This is a PlanDemic, and is being used for political purposes.

Instill fear in the masses, control their actions, make them depend on government.

99.6% survival rate tells the story better me thinks.

Tammy Brandl
Tammy Brandl (@guest_59389)
3 years ago
Reply to  bob carter

Bob, I hate to tell you but this virus will be with us long after the election. I’m grateful that you wear a mask to protect others & prevent the spread of Covid. You are correct in that the USA’s morality/death rate has decreased due to a better understanding & treatment of Covid. Most deaths & much higher mortality rates are attributed to older, comprised or black Americans. What makes their lives less valuable? Should we not do all we can to protect all people?

Ben Martin
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
3 years ago
Reply to  Tammy Brandl

Tammy, your desire to protect others is admirable. But I am very curious about something. You state “the virus will be with us long after the election.”

I thought viruses mutate, generally to something weaker. It is like they are smart and don’t want to kill the host. What is it specifically that makes the covID virus different? Do you have certain knowledge? Or is this is what you are hearing from the “experts”?

LuAnn Dawson
LuAnn Dawson (@guest_59353)
3 years ago

No. I’m done with it. I’m done with breathing in my own carbon dioxide. I’m done with the manufactured panic. I’m done with the media propaganda. It’s a VIRUS. At some point we will all be exposed. The fatality numbers don’t show how many people died FROM the virus as opposed to with it. I’m done with all of it.

Teri D. Springer
Teri D. Springer (@guest_59376)
3 years ago
Reply to  LuAnn Dawson

Then make sure the only people you expose are YOUR loved ones.

LuAnn Dawson
LuAnn Dawson (@guest_59384)
3 years ago

Since I’m not sick it doesn’t matter. A mask doesn’t prevent you from getting a virus. You want to stay home and lock yourself up, that’s your business, but don’t tell others what to do.

Tammy Brandl
Tammy Brandl (@guest_59387)
3 years ago
Reply to  LuAnn Dawson

Luann & Anti-maskers,

The request to wear a mask inside buildings and when you can’t properly social distance is to keep you from SPREADING Covid-19. Health professionals have never said a mask prevents you from acquiring Covid-19. A mask keeps unknowingly infected people from exhaling an airborne virus such as Covid-19, as a lot of people are asymptotic and therefore infecting others.

It saddens me that as Americans, we have chosen to NOT do all we can to care for each other. We have let politics, race & hatred divide us as individuals & as a Country! Anti-maskers keep taunting that the death rate “Is LOW”, will that viewpoint be the same when it’s a beloved child, parent or grandparent of theirs that is lost?

Those of us that are at high risk deserve the same liberties to go about our lives without the increased dangers of asymptotic people not wearing a mask and spreading Covid-19! Wearing a mask to stop spreading the virus & protecting others is a moral obligation that we all have! If you had AIDS/HIV or an STD you wouldn’t go out spreading those things either, you’d use protection to prevent the spread to others. Doctors & other health care professionals have been wearing masks for years for hours on end, yet there are no health related issues for them but people are complaining about wearing a mask when out and about……

The selfishness is pathetic and I’m over that!

I wish you all continued strength, health & hope that we can ALL STOP politicizing a public health crisis. Together by wearing a mask & social distancing we can save lives and control Covid-19 until we have a safe vaccine to end Covid-19.

Tammy Brandl
Tammy Brandl (@guest_59388)
3 years ago
Reply to  LuAnn Dawson

Not all Covid-19 infected people have any symptoms. So unless you’re tested every 3-5 days you don’t know if you’ve acquired Covid-19 and are “sick”!

Then spreading it to everyone and everywhere.

terry jones
terry jones(@tjjonez39gmail-com)
3 years ago

people–people——–u continue to ‘overlook’ the long term damage done to the body’s internal organs after the initial contagion

Tim Walker
Tim Walker (@guest_59383)
3 years ago
Reply to  terry jones

Since the virus was only turned lose by China on the world less than a year ago, how has long term damage been determined. Maybe the Chinese know?

Tammy Brandl
Tammy Brandl (@guest_59386)
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Walker


Normally, viruses such as the flu virus don’t leave you with symptoms for months on end. This is happening with people who have had Covid-19. Long Haulers as they are referred to have had many long lasting symptoms.

John Callen
John Callen (@guest_59361)
3 years ago

I find it interesting that the Observer deletes any posts that dont fit their left wing agenda

Susan Steger
Susan Steger(@co-editor-2)
3 years ago
Reply to  John Callen

We delete mean spirited posts.

Ben Martin
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
3 years ago
Reply to  Susan Steger

Forcing kids in school to wear masks is more than “mean spirited.” It is Demonic.

Teri D. Springer
Teri D. Springer (@guest_59375)
3 years ago
Reply to  Ben Martin

Then keep them home. Having them acting as germ factories and killing their grandparents is demonic.

Ben Martin
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
3 years ago

Wearing a mask would seem to cause germs to accumulate in an individual – wouldn’t it? Fresh air is essential for good health. One of the horrors of the slave ships that brought Africans to the Americas was lack of fresh air in the hold of the ship – so I have read.

George Jones
George Jones (@guest_59364)
3 years ago

When has CNN ever told the truth about anything??

Linda Godek
Linda Godek (@guest_59365)
3 years ago

Steve – the detail in your photo is amazing!

John Goshco
John Goshco (@guest_59369)
3 years ago

Flies on an impenetrable window are not comparable to aerosol-borne viruses zipping through a cloth mask. More like locking yourself inside an air tight house.

Go to your bathroom and spray a little air freshener around the room. Come back in 30-40 seconds with your mask on. If you can smell the air freshener, you need a better grade (or better fitting) mask.

Thomas C. Washburn
Thomas C. Washburn (@guest_59371)
3 years ago

As a public health physician, I am all too aware of the deadly impact of the coronavirus. This is not a political or partisan situation that the entire world faces.

I believe in an intelligent set of actions to protect each of us from being infected by this respiratory virus in social interactions: wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing as needed.

Ben Martin
Ben Martin(@ben-martin)
3 years ago

Reportedly, using masks for a prolonged period can lead to lung cancer. Guy Crittendon – an editor for “Hazmat Magazine” for 25 years has posted……

1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical. 2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals. I found and have posted the US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks… “breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.”

You can find the article on LewRockWell. It is titled “That mask is giving you lung cancer.”

Steve Leimberg
Steve Leimberg(@co-editor-2)
3 years ago


All the statistics in the world and all the excuses you can think of are meaningless if you are the one without a mask that brings Covid-19 home to your loved ones and friends for the holidays!


We have a president who hasn’t the spine or wisdom to do what’s right and has given up on getting the nation’s Covid under control (but has no trouble jumping in a helicopter to Walter Reed on our tax dollars and expecting the best treatment our money can buy), who discounts and disparages Dr. Anthony Fauci and calls HIM a disaster and refers to his own medical advisors as “these idiots”, who is more interested in the almighty stock market than our lives, who is inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and who just accused our medical profession of pumping up the death statistics so they can make more money.


If you are not smart enough to figure out that this man continues to lie to you and can not be trusted, you should at least acknowledge that the very folks who will risk their lives to save yours (doctors, nurses, hospital staff, police, and emergency tec) are not in it for the money. They are – in all too many cases dying – because they were infected by people who might not have been infected – if someone like yourself had the decency to skip the meaningless excuses and worn a mask.


Any leader who stands up at a rally (maskless and encouraging others to go maskless and not to social distance) and has the unmitigated gall to disparage the bravest among us has no moral compass – or if he has one – it’s pointing due south!


Walk around without a face mask. Go ahead and show us how little you care about others! Flaunt your “right” (nevermind your obligation of decency and responsibility to care for others in your community) to wear no protection for yourself and others.


Then when you get sick, don’t go to our local hospital. Instead, head to the White House where the president who told you it was a hoax, that it was little more than the flu, that nobody is dying from it, that he’s got it under control, that it’s almost gone, will personally take great care of you.




LuAnn Dawson
LuAnn Dawson (@guest_59385)
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Leimberg

Turn off CNN, visit the interior states and learn about real people. If you think for one second that the President is the cause of a virus then you are a fool. There is no way this could have been prevented or contained and if you think Biden has a miraculous cure, you are mistaken. In fact, his son in law is going to make millions as he is invested in vaccines, as is Dr. Fauci.

You have no right to jump on your moral high horse and lecture the community with your misplaced beliefs because you hate the President.

If you bothered to watch the almost daily press conferences, instead of CNNs spin on them. You would have heard Dr. Fauci say the things you attribute the President of saying. Fauci initially said to treat it like a flu by washing your hands and using hand sanitizer. Nothing about face masks.

If you think you are educating the community with your hatred, you are mistaken.

Jay Kayne
Jay Kayne(@jay-kayne)
3 years ago
Reply to  LuAnn Dawson

Ms. Dawson, there is only ONE statistic you need to know. The USA has 4% of the world’s population and 20% of the COVID-19 cases and deaths. The leadership in every other developed and many under-developed nations have done a better job than the Trump administration.