1st Avenue to become “Bike Boulevard?” – An opinion

Submitted by George Murphy
June 23, 2016 10:53 a.m.

FOpinions_Wordpress-300x151On June 13, 2016, at City Hall, a transportation consultant, Mr Theodore Petritsch, displayed the results of a study paid for by the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization to examine the “best routes for cyclists and pedestrians to move around the Island”. The final plan which is still being edited, impacts quiet residential roads all over the City of Fernandina Beach.

Although the study reflects the desires of some of the biking community to “meander through quiet subdivisions,” the study is not empirical in that it does not have the benefit of input by the Fernandina residents whose streets are directly affected.

I did attend the meeting on June 13th after reading an article in the Independent announcing same. The study is to be presented to the City Commission when finalized.

One of the current and primary proposals is to make 1st Avenue, in its entirety, a “Bicycle Boulevard” to be accomplished by removing all of the stop signs and rerouting bike traffic from S Fletcher Ave. The proposal gives no consideration to multiple costs including adding sidewalks which are not necessary for current usage.

If this proposal is submitted, it will be the third attempt by the biking community to accomplish this route. The first was rejected by the entire City Commission on October 21, 2009. The second was to “backdoor” unauthorized routing signs from Fletcher to 1st Ave on June 30, 2013. Then City Manager Joe Gerrity had them removed.

F-O-Smaller2-300x300The stop signs on 1st Ave were put there years ago for good reason. It had become a speed-way for cars that threatened children, pedestrians, casual bikers and elderly. This was a serious threat and the neighborhood fought very hard for the signs. Removing the signs means more speed! Is this required to become “bicycle friendly”?

If there was a legitimate safety reason for installing the signs then and given the population growth on 1st Ave now, what justifies their removal today? Removal of the signs WILL result in a danger to all present users of 1st Ave, including the additional bikers. It also would violate the intent and spirit of an R1 Zone which the Fernandina code designed to “protect the quality and character of existing low-density single family neighborhoods”.

In addition to the threat of automobiles speeding add the menace of speeding bikers, who cannot be heard, to the many pedestrians and residents who presently have to walk in the street as there are no sidewalks. Designating 1st Ave as a “Bicycle Boulevard” has a lot of other negative ramifications for residents such as; Installation of bike lanes requiring street widening; Demands/criticisms from the bikers to enforce the lanes, as we have already seen in the local press, directed to our police department, an award winning, certified and much respected organization for many factors including it’s common sense; Reconfiguration of the street impacting current parking space and destruction of shrubbery. All of this and more will require City tax dollars that, unbelievably, will DUPLICATE Government dollars already spent on a parallel route on Fletcher for bikers. Who will pay these undesired costs, the bikers or local residents?

Right now 1st avenue is enjoyed by law abiding neighborhood family and individual bicyclists cognizant of the stop signs, joggers, walkers and property tax paying residents, their children and animals.

It is a fact that the considerable number of casual bikers presently utilizing 1st Ave have never complained about the stop signs and are able to enjoy meandering on this marvelous street without objection from residents. We are currently “bicycle friendly” on 1st Ave. Why spoil this positive relationship and create an adversarial one?

All of the above contributes to the destruction of our neighborhood ambiance. THERE IS NOTHING POSITIVE FOR LOCALS IN THIS PROPOSAL! Is it not time to protect our tax paying residents from this growing intrusion?


Editor’s Note: George Murphy is a 30 year resident of Fernandina Beach. For 21 years he was involved with corporate security for IBM and Mobil Corp, and for 18 years was president of Security Virtual, Incorporated. He was an associate professor at the University of Georgia for 3 years and also served for 5 years as regional administrator for the United State Justice Department Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Program. Murphy served 13 years on the street in local, state, and federal law enforcement and two years in the U.S. Army.

Murphy has been a member of the Fernandina Beach Men’s Golf Association serving as president twice and has served as chairman of Fernandina Beach Golf Advisory Board.

For 51 years he has been married to Bjorg Murphy of Norway. They have 4 children and 11 grandchildren.

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Robert Prager
Robert Prager (@guest_47416)
7 years ago

I suggest we understand terms before we decide we are against change. See National Association of City Transportation Officials website, http://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/bicycle-boulevards/ or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_boulevard or just web search the term Bicycle Boulevard and read that a bicycle boulevard is designed to maintain the conditions desired by Mr. Murphy.

tony crawford
tony crawford (@guest_47418)
7 years ago

I can only speak for myself, and not my fellow residents on First Ave, but from those I have talked to I feel it is appropriate to use “we ” as opposed to ” I “. It really doesn’t matter what term is used regarding or describing First Ave. We don’t want First Ave to be designated as an alternate, recognized, or advertised alternate bike path in any conceivable way. There currently is a bike path along Fletcher.
This problem has many layers. First, it is inconceivable to me that anyone would ever suggest the removal of stop signs on First Ave which is a parallel Road to Fletcher. This fight has been fought once and will be fought again if common sense fails. First Ave would become an alternate route to Fletcher putting the residents, kids, grandkids, joggers, walkers and mom and pop bikers at great risk. This really isn’t rocket science folks. To designate First Ave as any sort of an alternative bike path would also fail the Common sense test. It is a known fact that serious bikers going at relatively fast speeds will not stop at stop signs. That is a visible fact of life we have all witnessed here on the island. This will put all the preciously mentioned folks at risk and more importantly the vehicular traffic at risk as well. I have personally had a serious biker almost run me over. I have heard from many others on First Ave pretty much the same story. I have also heard of incidences where cars going east to west to get from Fletcher to First have almost been t boned by bikers failing to stop at stop signs.
The idea of taking First Ave and promoting any increase in bike traffic , past the mom and pop point which we all now enjoy, is not only putting those who live on First in jeopardy, but also destroying the ambiance of what is now a wonderful family friendly street. At some point we as a City need to look out for those who live here and who are paying the taxes, not a select group of individuals. Fletcher is there for their use. Our City has a charm and grace unlike most cities along the east coast. We are not going to bring in one extra tourist dollar to our city by destroying the peacefulness and charm of First Ave. What we will do is once again upset to a very great extent the folks who are living here, supporting our local business and paying our fair share of taxes. Change for the good of the majority is a good thing. Change for the good of a select group when it upsets the community with little if any financial benefit is a bad thing. Personally I see not one sound reason why this would ever be considered.

Stephen Coe
Stephen Coe(@stephen-coe)
7 years ago
Reply to  tony crawford

I think your concerns/remarks are spot on and dovetail nicely with the City Manager’s concerns re special events vis a vis their effects on neighborhoods.

Robert Riegler
Robert Riegler (@guest_47422)
7 years ago

I bike First Ave a lot and always slow at all intersections. The bike path south of Harris T’s has how many stop signs? The sign makers made a killing and really to what end?. More and more I see what is the peaceful charm of Amelia going out the window. Enough already with “planners” who are trying to save us from ourselves. Aliitle common sense and respect for others will do a lot more that bike lanes, stop signs, sidewalks, etc.

terry jones
terry jones (@guest_47423)
7 years ago

fletcher is for commuting —-side streets r for socializing—–don’t make bike riding a problem!

Charlene Todd
Charlene Todd (@guest_47424)
7 years ago

Please do not change. It is used by many now and very peaceful.

Phyllis Davis
Phyllis Davis(@phyllisameliamuseum-org)
7 years ago

As a resident of First Avenue I must protest the removing of the stop signs. I am a Fernandina native and have lived on First Avenue for 24 years. Before the stop signs were installed cars were zooming through at high rates of speed using it as an alternative to Fletcher. I love to sit on my front porch and watch all the various bikers, walkers, and children as they pass by. To put them in harm’s way by removing the stop signs, which encourages cars to again use it instead of Fletcher, is madness. I welcome the tourists who want to visit our beautiful island and appreciate all the benefits that they bring with them, but this is just common sense.

tony crawford
tony crawford (@guest_47427)
7 years ago

Robert, Charlene, Terry and George, This is the type of response that will be needed should this proposal come to light. It is refreshing to see this type of support against what is just another nail in the coffin of folks trying to take away what we all love about our island for the pleasure of a few. It is so important to get out opinions out in public before action is taken. I have seen it many times in the past where the public didn’t know or get involved until after an item was passed and put into place. It was too late at that point. This is an issue where the public must get involved, write letters and let our City Government know our feelings well before it has to be voted on. Thank you all for the support you are showing on this very important topic.

C.K. Owens
C.K. Owens (@guest_47428)
7 years ago

As a cyclist who rides on South Fletcher several times a week, I agree with those who are opposed to making 1st Avenue a “Bike Boulevard”. Fletcher has a bike lane and no stop signs. It is perfect for cyclists who want to ride at a good pace without having to stop at signs. The stop signs on 1st Avenue should not be removed, for all the reasons previously mentioned and in my opinion should not be designated as bike route.

tony crawford
tony crawford (@guest_47431)
7 years ago

C.K. Thank you for your wisdom and the fact you took the time to post it. I am sure all on First appreciate your thoughts.